02.09 - 06.09/10:00
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Langheinrich Ulf
Two exhibition spaces are constructed and outfitted symmetrically, but projections and stroboscopic effects within them confront visitors to each with radically different spatial impressions that, due to flickering and vibration, are also constantly changing. In the artist's words, the space is in “constant oscillation.”
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Langheinrich Ulf
Two exhibition spaces are constructed and outfitted symmetrically, but projections and stroboscopic effects within them confront visitors to each with radically different spatial impressions that, due to flickering and vibration, are also constantly changing. In the artist's words, the space is in “constant oscillation.”
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Langheinrich Ulf
In this audiovisual performance, elements of image and sound collide, coalesce and disintegrate at the finest possible resolution. The visual elements are displayed on a large-format screen; the acoustic space is quadrophonic. The most important aesthetic devices are the repetition and expansion of all acoustic and visual impressions. The result is a setting that exerts a hypnotic fascination on the part of those partaking of it.
01.09 - 06.09/10:00
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Jansen Theo, Klis Loek van der, Hofstee Sander
The seaside dunes of Delft in The Netherlands are populated by fantastic critters, but during this year’s festival, Linz’s Main Square will become the temporary habitat of the “beach beasts” created by Theo Jansen. These behemoths with their countless legs have been conceptualized by computer and constructed out of wood and plastic tubing. However, they're not controlled electronically and they’re not powered by motors, but rather by wind and air.What's more, Jansen has developed a method by which compressed air can be stored in portable tanks and then used as fuel.
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Jansen Theo
Theo Jansen will use models and films as visual aids to describe the construction mechanisms, functional modes and propulsion systems of his “beach beasts.” This speech offers a unique opportunity to gain insights into a body of work that is technical and artistic in equal measure and into the origins of these fascinating “creatures.”
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Langheinrich Ulf
In this speech, Ulf Langheinrich will elaborate on the technical background, aesthetic approaches and artistic intentions of his projects, whereby he will particularly concentrate on the works being presented during the festival.