The Sound of Europe
Salzburg, 27.-28. Jan 2006

deutsch | english

Europe in Sight

Mediatizing the Conference's Main Hall

Interactive media installations

bullet European Soundscape
bullet Europe is Real
bullet Europe: A Landscape of Ideas
bullet Leading Opinions

Media Art Interventions

bullet Threshold to the Kingdom
bullet 27. Januar 1945
bullet This is your Victory
bullet Faces of Europe
bullet Strength and Opportunities
bullet Europe all Weather
bullet Ars Electronica Futurelab


Soundtrack of the Conference


“Europe: A Landscape of Ideas”

Europe in Facts, Figures and Thoughts – A Semantic Network

This installation features a 12-meter-long map of Europe on which the geographical imagery has been augmented with statistical data and comparative values for all European countries. Integrated in this projection screen are two large-scale video monitors on which innovative visualizations enable conference participants to navigate through the statistical material.

This installation showcases a wealth of statistical data from EUROSTAT as well as a spatial depiction of the results of a SWOT analysis of Europe.

Another facet of this project is Wikimap Europe, an interactive journal of the conference in which attendees and participants can inscribe and update messages and opinions.

The individual elements of the conceptual landscape:

bulletWikimap Europe - the interactive journal of the conference
bulletSemantic Network of the strengths and weakness, opportunities and threats facing Europe
bulletIST-Research Landscape
bulletPortrait of the European Union 2006

Concept and Realization: Ars Electronica Futurelab.
Statistical Data: EUROSTAT and FAS.research.