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Sound Art

Corpus Nil

Corpus Nil is a music performance exploring hybrid forms of identity and musicianship. It does so through an intense and ritualistic interaction between an artificially intelligent musical instrument, a human body and sound.


Consider a mechanical rotation, like a car motor: it has a fixed cycle, but no rotation is exactly equal to the previous one. Atn external input slowly but constantly contaminates it. Such is the nature of all matter, a cyclic being but never a static one.

Experts Tour: Music Monday Tour

The Sound Art Parcour of Music Monday is an Ars Electronica tradition of long standing. The tour kicks off at Anton Bruckner Private University, the focus is on the Ars Electronica Festival’s projects that have to do with sound. The defining characteristic is that this is actually a music education program designed to mediate the general public’s encounters with musical art.

Experts Tour: Insight Inside: Live Skype to the MRI Laboratory

For her performance Whose Scalpel, Yen Tzu Chang recorded her own heart data with the help of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. We are going to switch to the live stream of the MRI laboratory, where the researchers will give us detailed insights into the functions of the MRI scanner, and we can immediately ask questions and scan real pieces of fruit.

Experts Tour: Sonic Saturday Tour

Media artist and composer Se-Lien Chuang and professor Andreas Weixler, director of the Computer Music Studio (CMS), give exciting insights into the Sonic Lab & the Computer Music Studio (CMS) at Anton Bruckner Private University. After a short tour follows an introduction into the functionality of the multichannel intermedia computer music concert hall.