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This program impressively demonstrates new and innovative approaches in current digital filmmaking at the interface of art and science—e.g. nature and bio-tech studies, morphogenesis, experiments with architecture, and perception.

Eurogym Space Debris

Help us clean up Deep Space! Having fun with space junk? Eurogym Space Debris, a game developed by high school students at Europagymnasium Baumgartenberg, makes collecting cosmic garbage a competitive challenge.

Disenchantment Space

In an artificial-intelligence society, a code is hidden from people. Even without understanding the meaning of the code we perceive it as a form of magic, which produces new results by using enormous quantities of data and broad parameters.

Sense of Space and Time

The exhibition “Sense of Space and Time” contains fourteen projects ranging between design, art and technology. The projects were created by bachelor’s students from the Institute of Art Education, School of Arts, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and by master’s students from the LMU Department of Informatics.

Computer Animation / Film / VFX – Out of Exile

Out of Exile is an impressive virtual reality experience that deals with society’s negative attitude toward LGBTQ* youth. A boy named Daniel Ashley Pierce ends up in a heated conflict with his family due to his sexual orientation. Authentic audio recordings were used for the project, which Daniel recorded unnoticed during the actual argument.


Fight is a virtual-reality artwork in which the viewer’s two eyes are presented with radically different images, resulting in a phenomenon known as binocular rivalry. Presented with rival signals, the conscious mind “sees” a patchwork of the two images. The nature of these irregularities and instabilities depends on the viewer’s physiology.

ARTUR: Autonomous Robot Playspace

ARTUR: Autonomous Robot Playspace is an interactive environment featuring a full-scale, three-dimensional virtual robot. Developed specifically for Deep Space 8K in the Ars Electronica Center

Hisn al-Bab

This presentation invites the audience to experience the archaeological site Hisn al-Bab. It is little known but nevertheless played a significant role in Egyptian history, both with respect to its geography and its chronology. In historical terms, it was active at the very end of Roman rule and the Early Medieval Period, long after the pharaohs.

Capillaries Capillaries

Capillaries Capillaries is an audiovisual composition based on a non-hierarchical and bi-directional relationship between sound and image in real-time. The piece does not represent a visualization of music or sonification of an image but rather a tangle of audiovisual interactions.