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Featured Art Scene


05.09. | 22:30 - 23:00


Schizogram works through real-time cinematic abuse of analogue and digital technology. Interconnected AV equipment becomes sensitive, it is pushed to function in realms in which it behaves unpredictably.

Abstract aesthetic of glitch and error is advanced through conscious perspective on both technology and its audiovisual output as autoconstructive: dynamic and persistent. A subject that is 'a life' through feedback loops while retaining its plugs open for all forms of machinic communication. Desire is schizogramatic: static noise, granulated beats, reconnected vocoders, edge detectors and other machinic bodies form an interconnected web of intensities that exhibit a language which has a temporary grammar inherent in a conjunction of humanic machine and technological mind-body-soul. All natural.

All Dates:

05.09. 22:30 - 23:00



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