

Kids Tour

For youngsters between the ages of 8 and 14, we offer special tours through POSTCITY that venture far beyond the friendly confines of u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD, the festival for the next generation.

Experts Tour: Postal Logistics Today

The Austrian Postal Service’s Alhaming logistics center that replaced the facility in downtown Linz in 2015 is considered one of Europe’s most modern. How are letters and parcels delivered today? Take a tour of Alhaming, 20 kilometers southwest of Linz, and find out.

Experts Tour: Fremde Freunde – Global Village

Together with Joan Bairam you will get to know and discuss projects at POSTCITY that were realized by refugees or deal with the internationally relevant topic of escape, prosecution and displacement. Especially the social dimensions of forming communities, mixing cultures, looking for and finding an identity will be focused in this tour. These concerns can be found in many artistic and documentary projects throughout the festival.


Scientists of the Tangible Media Group of MIT Medialab will have a look around POSTCITY and introduce to you – additionally to the symposia about the topic of RADICAL ATOMS – projects and artistic ideas that already incorporate the theory of RADICAL ATOMS.

Experts Tour: POSTCITY Sounds

Familiarize yourself with Werner Jauk on the way through the POST City, where you can experience through auditory installations that music is not just sound – but interpreted above all a perception and thought process that formalizes into sound.

Experts Tour: Bio Hacking presented by the Gynepunks

Explore how we will be able to alter and extend our bodies and those of other life forms – get an insight and learn how to use open source technologies in this field – learn from Paula Pin, member of Pechblenda, transhackfeminist Hardware Lab.

Experts Tour: Urban Ecology

Explore the vegetation on the roof of the POST CITY by biologist Friedrich Schwarz and learn from him about the rich ecosystem of the city.You will be amazed!

Experts Tour: Gaming and Virtual Reality

Travel through the POSTCITY with video game expert and collector Andranik Ghalustians (GameStage@u19). Through space and time you will get to know the history of video games and finally reach the workd today and try VR glasses to learn more about Virtual Reality Technologies.