Ars Electronica is setting up a Drone Lab in POSTCITY as a customized setting for races, demos, performances and presentations that provide fascinating insights into current applications of drone technology. Festivalgoers will definitely not want to miss the sessions starring one of the top teams on the international racing scene: The XBlade Allstars’ quadcopters reach speeds of up to 140 km/h as they care en through a specially-constructed racetrack in the Gleishalle. On the next floor up in the Drone Lab, pilots will demonstrate maneuvering at a less breakneck tempo but a far higher degree of precision. The Drone Academy offers all comers the opportunity to get their own hot little hands on a drone’s steering console. Interesting speeches and demos by experts will brief festivalgoers on the spectrum of drone applications: the racing scene, search & rescue missions, film & photography assignments and even artistic performances. And the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s SPAXELS crew provides an overview of interesting developments in the drone field. “DRONE 100 – Spaxels over Linz” is a spectacular performance by unmanned aerial vehicles being staged by Ars Electronica and Intel™ on the evening of September 10th, 2016!