“Numbered, Weighed and Found Wanting”—Ars Electronica opens with a performance by sound artist FM Einheit (DE) that reinterprets the ancient biblical warning: Mene, Mene, Tekel, upharsin.
Artists collective Silk Fluegge (AT) will be the first act on the Main Stage with MYGRATION—beget, a dance performance about origins, identity and belonging. In Roboaction(s) A1 K1, Dragan Ilić (RS/US) has himself strapped to a robotic arm and then creates graphic compositions via the robot’s movements. Practices of Everyday Life | Cooking by Navid Navab (CA) is a synaesthetic audiovisual performance about a cook in a specially prepared kitchen setup. Playing the Kankisenthizer, an instrument that uses fans to generate both sounds and light, Ei Wada (JP) demonstrates the possibilities of unconventional musical production. The festivities will also include an unconventional performance/intervention by XBlade Allstarts get Radical, one of the world’s most successful drone racer teams. These tiny airborne hotrods achieve speeds in excess of 100 km/h. Exploded View (DE/MX) complements the musical portion of the evening with a sound somewhere between Krautrock, Dub and political discourse. Then, Planningtorock (UK) uses Pop and dance music as interference receiver. In the wee hours, Dasha Rush (RU) and Russian video artist Stanislav Glazow aka Licht Pfad (RU) collaborate in a performance entitled ANTARCTIC TAKT.
21:00 – 21:30 FM Einheit (DE), Mene, Mene, Tekel, upharsin
POSTCITY, Spiral Falls
21:40 – 22:00 SILK Fluegge (AT), MYGRATION—beget
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
22:00 – 22:10 Dragan Ilić (RS/US), Roboaction(s) A1 K1
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
22:10 – 23:00 Navid Navab (CA), Practices of Everyday Life | Cooking
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
23:05 – 23:20 Ei Wada (JP), The Kankisenthizer – Exhaust Fancillator
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
23:25 – 23:35 XBlade Allstarts get Radical
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
23:40 – 00:10 Exploded View (DE/MX)
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
00:15 – 01:00 Planningtorock (UK)
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
01:05 – 02:00 Dasha Rush (RU), ANTARCTIC TAKT
POSTCITY, Ground Floor
02:00 – 03:00 Olof Dreijer (SE), DJ Set