Taking work done by MIT’s Tangible Media Group and the Ars Electronica Futurelab as the point of departure, this part of the symposium will deal with how the evolution of Radical Atoms will be felt in various occupations, economic sectors and, by no means least of all, our everyday life. What impact will these new dynamic materials have on creative disciplines like art and architecture? What are the future prospects in robotic design? Will we someday encounter drones as airborne Radical Atoms? What happens when new materials are amalgamated with human DNA? And how will we, the users, be able to find our way in the dynamic techno-world of tomorrow? International pioneers and the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s expert staff gaze into a future of and with Radical Atoms.
12:00PM-12:10PM | Hiroshi Ishii (US/JP) / Christopher Lindinger (AT): Recap of Symposium I.I and Welcome |
12:10PM-1:10PM | INSPIRE – Art & Design |
12:10PM-12:30PM | Carlo Ratti (IT): Lift-Bit |
12:30PM-12:50PM | Joachim Sauter (DE): Infinite Cube |
12:50PM-1:10PM | Tomotaka Takahashi (JP): RoBoHoN |
1:10PM-1:20PM | Q & A |
1:20PM-2:20PM | LEVITATE – Future & Mind |
1:20PM-1:40PM | Horst Hörtner (AT): Spaxels |
1:40PM-2PM | Martina Mara (AT): Psychology of Radical Atoms |
2PM-2:20PM | Yoichi Ochiai (JP): Magic |
2:20PM-2:30PM | Q & A |
2:30PM-3:30PM | VIRAL – Fab & Society |
2:30PM-2:50PM | Chiaki Hayashi (JP): FabCafe |
2:50PM-3:10PM | Shiho Fukuhara (JP): Biopresence |
3:10PM-3:30PM | David Benjamin (US): The Living |
3:30PM-4PM | Q & A |
Moderation: Hiroshi Ishii (US/JP) and Christopher Lindinger (AT)
This event is realised in the framework of the European Digital Art and Science Network and co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.