Radical Atoms Symposia

POSTCITY, 1st floor
Credit: Tom Mesic

The 2016 Ars Electronica Festival theme symposia are scrutinizing the alchemists of our time. Who are these people conjuring up our near-term future? What drives them on? In what constellations and collaborative arrangements do they work? And at what sorts of places are their ideas and projects emerging?

These alchemists constitute a completely new, young generation of engineers, scientists and artists, and their extraordinary visions of the future possess the inspiring power to decisively advance the development of technologies that are already giving us a preview of how the world of tomorrow just might look. The Radical Atoms Symposia will take place in POSTCITY’s conference halls.


Taking work done by MIT’s Tangible Media Group and the Ars Electronica Futurelab as the point of departure, this part of the symposium will deal with how the evolution of Radical Atoms will be felt in various occupations, economic sectors and, by no means least of all, our everyday life.