Dr. Ivan Poupyrev (RU/US) is an award-winning scientist, inventor and designer working at the cutting edge of interaction design and technologies blending the digital and physical realities. Ivan is currently a technical program lead at the Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) division, where he directs efforts focused on interaction technologies and design for a future digital lifestyle.
Project Jacquard makes it possible to weave interactive touch and gesture into any textile using standard, industrial looms. Everyday objects such as clothes and furniture can be transformed into interactive surfaces. This is possible thanks to new conductive yarns, created in collaboration with our industrial partners. Jacquard yarn structures combine thin, metallic alloys with natural and synthetic yarns like cotton, polyester or silk, making the yarn strong enough to be woven on any industrial loom. Connected clothes offer new possibilities for interacting with services, devices and environments. These interactions can be reconfigured at any time. Jacquard is a blank canvas for apparel-makers. Designers can use it as they would any fabric, adding new layers of functionality to their designs, without having to learn about electronics. Developers will be able to connect existing apps and services to Jacquard-enabled clothes and create new features specifically for the platform.