An event produced jointly by the Upper Austria Teacher-Training College, Upper Austria Chamber of Labor and the Ars Electronica EducationLab
For several years now, new social media have been changing how people communicate and thus our everyday life. Especially among young people, these media now constitute a central part of their lived reality. Even our political discourse is increasingly conducted via Facebook, Twitter and similar platforms, which thus open up new forms of sociopolitical participation and socialization. The conference will confront this new reality and the challenges accompanying it, and scrutinize the impact of this development on political education. The offerings—in a variety of formats—include a presentation of the latest social developments and market research data, a methodological-didactic exchange of views, game modules, and a round-table discussion with prominent, expert panelists. This conference is being staged in conjunction with the 2016 Ars Electronica Festival, an encounter with key issues being raised by trends in social development that are the upshot of innovative technologies. Conference participants have the opportunity to take a guided tour of the festival venue. Participation is free of charge; preregistration is mandatory: www.ph-ooe.at/partizipation_2016
Read more about this conference on our Ars Electronica Blog!
THU September 8, 2016
1 PM–1:20 PM | Opening |
1:20 PM–1:30 PM | Procedural remarks |
1:30 PM–2:10 PM | Speech: Participation and Political Socialization in the Age of New Media (Peter Filzmaier) |
2:10 PM–2:30 PM | Speech: Factors in Political Socialization from the Perspective of Two Young People (Peter Repczuk & Anja Engelbrechtslehner) |
2:30 PM–2:45 PM | Audience comments |
2:45 PM–2:55 PM | Procedural remarks and assignment to workshops |
2:55 PM–3:15 PM | Coffee break |
3:15 PM–5:15 PM |
Two-hour workshops
3:15 PM-4:15 PM |
One-hour workshops
4:15 PM–5:15 PM |
One-hour workshops
5:15 PM–5:35 PM | Coffee break |
5:35 PM–6:35 PM |
Panel discussion: Participation and Political Socialization in the Age of New Media
6:45 PM–7:30 PM | Guided tour POSTCITY |
FRI September 9, 2016
9 AM0–9:10 AM | Procedural remarks |
9:10 AM–10 AM | Speech and discussion: Reflection, Orientation and Participation. Political Didactics and New Media, Thomas Hellmuth (University of Vienna) |
10 AM–11 AM | Speech and discussion: Political Framing and Opinion Formation in the (Social) Media, Elisabeth Wehling (University of California at Berkeley) |
11 AM–11:15 AM | Filmtrailer – Die Konferenz (PH-TV Team) |
11:15 AM–11:30 AM | Coffee break |
11:30 AM-12:55 PM | World Café |
12:55 PM-1:40 PM | Speech and discussion: Between Spectatorship and Deselection—Commitment as Event and Cocooning 2.0: The “Generation Crisis” as Challenge for the Political System (Beate Großegger, Institute for Youth Culture Research) |
1:40 PM–1:50 PM | Brief intervention: Evaluation |
1:50 PM–2 PM | Conclusion of the conference |