Schmiede Hallein (Hallein Forge, a city in Salzburg) is a playground of ideas. This conclave of makers and prototyping jamboree is a setting for self-determined development, testing cooperation and brainstorming.
Since 2003, the Schmiede has been an annual gathering of about 300 people from approximately 30 countries engaging in activities at the nexus of art, digital media and DIY. During this ten-day get-together on Perner Island, we engender a basis upon which joint ventures, partnerships and projects can take shape. The byproduct is an open lineup of conferences, workshops, concerts and presentations. Several labs focus on and bridge the diversity of the Schmiede. The outcome is an exhibition showcasing approximately 70 projects.
Facts & figures: Most participants were born in the years 1980-90. 44% of all “smiths” are female, and 40% are attending the Schmiede for the first time. About 60% of the participants are from Austria.