CIID Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (DK))
How will we look in six months if we keep up at our current rate as far as diet, dental hygiene and sports are concerned? Who’ll we see in the mirror a year from today? These questions still have to be answered with “Haven’t the foggiest,” but students at CIID are already working on another, more visionary concept. The smart Future Self Mirror is designed to enable us to gaze into the future of our physical development.
Instead of raw data or abstract predictive diagrams, the Augmented Reality data tracker shows us an impressively realistic image of our future self. Maintain, increase or reduce body weight with our current eating habits? Is our dental hygiene regimen satisfactory or are we heading straight for discoloration and cavities? Regardless of what the smart mirror on the wall says, it’s definitely a great motivator—to change our ways or to stay the course of our dietary, tooth-brushing and exercise practices.
Team Members: Andreas Refsgaard, Line Birgitte Borgersen, Manu Dixit and Riccardo Cereser
This project was a part of the Enchanted Objects course taught by David Rose, Adrian Westaway and Francisco Gomez Paz at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. Moises Bottage helped in managing the space and materials.