Whether human beings are exploring subatomic worlds or outer space, wherever our journeys of discovery take us, we’re able to get a picture of the invisible only by means of measured data. Afroditi Psarra implements this idea in the form of an interface worn right on the body, and thereby reinterprets the connection between human and cosmos.
Cosmic Bitcasting employs sensors to transform the cosmic radiation that neither the Earth’s atmosphere nor the outer layer of our own body shields us from. With light signals and vibrations, the interface reports the detected presence of every elementary particle that, as radiation from outer space, has found its way through the atmosphere to us.
Cosmic Bitcasting was developed during a one-month residency at ETOPIA – Center for Art and Technology in Zaragoza, in the context of the residency program REVERBERADAS, part of the European Art and Science Network, curated by Fermín Serrano.