Credit: Fabrica
Fabrica (IT)
Can a machine make us look at art through the lens of today’s world? Inspired by the paradoxes of bringing AI to a museum applying rational and objective thinking to a subjective field like art, Recognition uses artificial intelligence algorithms to compare photographs from current events as they unfold from the international press agency Reuters with British art from the Tate collection.
Over three months from September 2 to November 27, 2016, Recognition created a virtual gallery that ran 24 hours a day, comparing Tate’s archive and collection of British art online with the most recent news images from Reuters. The matches were based on visual and thematic similarities found by the algorithm through a multi-criteria pattern. The public could explore the virtual gallery of matches online at http://recognition.tate.org.uk and in the gallery at Tate Britain through an interactive display.
Artists: Coralie Gourguechon (FR), Monica Lanaro (IT), Angelo Semeraro (IT), Isaac Vallentin (CA).
Credits: IK Prize in partnership with Microsoft
Created by Fabrica and Jolibrain
Content Provider: Reuters