Cybathlon is a project by ETH Zurich to promote an exchange between people with disabilities, technology providers and the public in order to raise awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities. The goal of the Cybathlon is to promote the development of assistive technologies that are useful for everyday life.

You are President is a game in which the player is the head of government of a fictitious country. His decisions have an impact on six factors: diplomacy, the economy, the budget, popularity among the citizenry, the environment, and the armed forces. The object of the game is to successfully take actions to effectively manage the affairs of state. All of these factors are reflected by scores, which the player’s various decisions can influence either positively or negatively.

The Summer Sessions pop-up exhibition shows a selection of outcomes realized through the international exchange of emerging talents within the Summer Sessions network. Summer Sessions are short-term residencies for young and emerging artists, organized by an international network of cultural organizations.