Acknowledging the newly emerging forms and displacements of the media-art economy, the Gallery Spaces Panels as well as the Media Art Market Symposium faces the criticalities and strenghts of the art market, seen as a resource for supporting artists’ activity and the development in this cultural field. This new edition will focus on digital presentation strategies in galleries and collections, preservation of media art and highlighting new methods and platforms that promote and distribute digital art.

Gallery Spaces Panel I: Beyond Patronage: Artists and Experimental Monetization
The Kickstarter Panel will discuss the basis question of how artists get paid. Digital art has always run counter to traditional instiutional modes, and sought direct engagement with audiences.

Gallery Spaces Panel III: Digital presentation strategies and collections
How does new technologies of presentation influence the market and where are the problems of the various collection platforms?

Gallery Spaces Panel II: Identification and Self-identification online. Technology and the true self
The correlation between representation and self-representation online vs real world will be at the center of the discussion. While talking about tech breakthroughs the speakers will discuss how these innovations are changing the way we see and want to be seen online.

The notion of the Gesamtkunstwerk, with its distinctive aspect of performative art, as well as the idea of art as a counter-world – as a “dictatorship”— is the topic of the artist talk and can be also found in the first virtual reality production by Jonathan Meese and his mother Brigitte Meese.

Art Talks: Media Art Market Symposium
The discussion shows the current and future situation of the Media Art Market. It still suffers from less visibility on the common contemporary art market, even if the latest changes in art, science and technology are the essence of media art artworks.

The New Infinity - New Art for Planetariums
In their programme series “The New Infinity”, Berliner Festspiele and Planetarium Hamburg will present new artistic fulldome productions from the autumn of 2018.

Gallery Spaces Panel IV: Preservation of Media Art
Every artwork needs is own conservation strategies to survive the usage over time. Especially the technical diversity of media artworks need the awareness of every possible preservation scenario.