Interface Cultures student exhibition for Ars Electronica 2018
University of Art and Design, Linz, Interface Cultures
Faculty: Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, Tamiko Thiel, Michaela Ortner, Fabrizio Lamoncha
We live in times of information overload and permanent availability. The convenience of being connected anywhere and anytime is ultimately not compatible with the physical and mental capacity of our bodies. They do need breaks and we do need time. As we have to constantly update, upgrade and adapt, things we once took for granted seem to disintegrate. While certain media companies celebrate the concept of disruption, there is a strong longing for stability, reliability and permanence. It is alarming that even the young generation is feeling exhausted from all this social networking and sensory overload. They dream of a simpler, more sustainable future with clear principles, life quality, work-life balance and less stress. Recharging oneself has become their motto.
This year´s student exhibition features several works that deal with the need for more time, more reflection and more reliable answers. They suggest that we do not need to become victims of all these gadgets and services we think we need. They ask us to reflect on our social interactions, stop for a while, clear our minds and rethink what is really important. It is a very good sign that the next generation of media art creators is asking these essential questions and aims to construct a more sustainable media future.

The Arse Electronica
Walter Stadtler (AT), David Gruber (AT)
The Arse Electronica is a possible and necessary statement on artificial intelligence and robotics.

ARTiVIS DIY Video Streaming Kit
Mónica Mendes (PT), Pedro Ângelo (PT), students from various countries
ARTiVIS ist ein Forschungskollektiv, das interaktive Kunstexplorationen entwickelt, die mit Hilfe von Echtzeit-Videos ein Bewusstsein für Umweltverträglichkeit schafft.

Augmented Reality Projects
Guest professor Tamiko Thiel (US) and students of various countries (Sofia Braga, Stevie Sutanto, Giacomo Piazzi, Guillem Sarriá Verdú, Dawn Faelnar, Julia del Río)
Since Homo sapiens became Homo fabulus we have augmented the places and objects around us with stories, our memories and our fantasies.

Beyond Paper
Qian Ye (CN), Melanie Tonkowik (AT)
Beyond Paper combines the advantages of physical features and digital information. This book aims to enlighten the reader with every page turned. It encourages us to step out of the passive viewing experience

Through the Far-See-Er
Sam Bunn (GB) with friends, including Gabriella Gordillo (MX), Julia Nüßlein (DE), Leonie Reese (DE), Karin Schmid (AT), Sebastian Six (AT), Gregor Woschitz (AT), Peter Hindle (GB)
A multidisciplinary, performative, multimedia installation taking place in AFO Linz during Ars Electronica 2018.
Julia Nüßlein (DE)
If we see the natural world as a complex system of interrelationships, where do we as humans stand? And how would we like to shape our role in the future?

Get Spotify® Premium only for € 9,99
Antonio Zingaro (IT), Onur Olgac (TR)
Get Spotify® Premium only for € 9,99 is an artwork that is realized as a collection of music cassettes manually recorded, containing only advertisements streamed on Spotify®.

Stevie Jonathan Sutanto (ID)
inMemory is a small ritual space dedicated to the victims of terrorism.

Leader X
Waiwai (Hiu-wai Chan) (HK)
Leader X is an artistic/scientific, data-driven installation for making the ‘perfect’ image of a leader with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics.

Leonardo Slam Session
Ben Olsen (US), Dawn Faelnar (US), Christa Sommerer (AT)
A group of Interface Cultures students will rummage through the archive and interpret it in the Poetry Slam style.

Wesley Lee (BR)
Linobyte vereinigt die Funktionsweise von Bits, Bytes und Zeichen mit einer praktischen Erfahrung bei der Erstellung von Core Rope ROMs.

Julia del Río (ES)
In Mice Julia del Río uses wireless computer mice, turning them into (electromagnetic) musical instruments.

O.S.T.R.I.C.H. 1.0 | The Universe on Your Sleeve
Dawn Faelnar (US)
O.S.T.R.I.C.H. is a capsule collection of wearable earth suits that brings the experiences of different celestial phenomena down to earth.

You Are Running Out of Battery
Sofia Braga (IT)
You Are Running Out of Battery is a site-specific installation where the audience is invited to relax during its stay in the exhibition.

Schreib bitte wieder bald, ich warte jeden Tag auf Post
Astrid Dober (AT), Ilona Stuetz (AT)
"Schreib bitte wieder bald, ich warte jeden Tag auf Post" centers around the idea that postcards are being replaced more and more by other communication tools.

Aesun Kim (KR)
What is the essence of being human? How can a machine understand nonverbal language, such as gesture?

Vanishing Point, A Dissipative Map
Laura Cassol Sôro (BR, IT)
Vanishing Point, a Dissipative Map is a work about space-time, and what presence and telepresence means after the emergence of information and communication technologies.

the one who knows
Giacomo Piazzi (I), Ben Olsen (US)
What if there are millions of answers to a question? How to sort through the avalanche of results that comes when we ask the Internet a question?