Ars Electronica Futurelab
The point of departure of the archive installation is the study “25 Years of Ars Electronica—An Overview as Memory Theater” by Gerhard Dirmoser, a Linz theoretician who has produced a thematic graphic representation of all aspects that seem relevant to Ars Electronica. The wall chart generated in this way simultaneously constitutes the portal to an additional informational level: Ars Electronica’s digital project archive that maintains records of all projects that have been realized in connection with the Ars Electronica Center since 1996.
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The Ars Electronica Center’s media façade as well as the facility’s exterior and interior elevators become spaces for artistic production and experimentation by students from technical colleges throughout German-speaking Europe.
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Dauw Bram, Armand Alexandre
Participants wear helmets what vibrate when the car is moving, even stronger when the car careens off the racetrack.
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Hentschläger Kurt
Karma is the name of a module in the “Unreal Tournament” game engine that simulates phenomena like gravity in the game environment and thus makes virtual reality that much more realistic. In the “Karma” project, the visitor can move about in the game environment, observe scenes or intervene in them by taking hold of characters or shoving them aside.
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Fujihata Masaki, Kawashima Takeshi
120 people, each equipped with a video camera and GPS device, were dispatched to record their activities. On the basis of GPS data corresponding to the geographic location of the recording, each video sequence is now displayed as a CAVE visualization. Digital technology as a possibility of archiving motion pictures as collective memory in cyberspace.
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Möller Christian
Six young American actresses were asked to smile—some for over an hour. A computer observed them going about it. Whenever there’s no genuine emotion behind the smile or the actresses are distracted, an alarm goes off.
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Larndorfer Barbara, Wilfinger Björn
Visitors themselves can create paintings onto the media façade of the Ars Electronica Center. Two podiums will be installed on public squares. The activities on these stages are recorded from above and directly projected onto the façade.
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Cadet France
Five dog-shaped robots have been programmed in such a way that they exhibit hybrid behavior of various different animals and combine a variety of external physical features. “Copycat,” for example, is 50% dog, 50% cat; “Dolly” is an amalgam of external and internal characteristics: 50% dog, 30% goat, 15% cow and 5% sheep. An ironic demonstration of the potential consequences of cloning and animal experimentation.
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Huber Stephan Maximilian
A discourse machine with which controversial opinions and content are depicted in an interactive, navigable 3-D projection. The statements give rise to a tangled conversational thicket whose individual threads can be followed both textually as well as by means of links.
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Kato Hirokazu, Ars Electronica Futurelab
The popular “Gulliver’s Box” installation has been enhanced and expanded to provide an even more amazing experience at the nexus of virtual and material reality. The completely revamped mixed reality installation has been conceived as an experimental platform upon which new interfaces and approaches to interaction can be tested.
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Ishii Hiroshi, Ryokai Kimiko, Marti Stefan
A paintbrush is outfitted with a tiny video camera and light sensors. Colors, textures and the brightness of the surroundings are recorded by the camera in such a way that they are reproduced when the brush is used to paint and re-emerge in the hues of what is painted.
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Ars Electronica Futurelab
The blackboard of the Information Age. Touchscreens of tablet PCs make it possible to leave behind hand-written notes and doodles, and previously-taken photos can be enhanced with scribbles—the result is a colorful info-collage that is constantly changing and growing through user contributions.
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Durieu Frédéric, Malden Kristine, Birgé Jean-Jacques, Laval Thierry
A sound toy - assembling differently shaped pipes and vents gives rise to a system through which sound flows. Shifting or turning generates a continually shanging sequence of new sound patterns.
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Hörtner Horst, Dipl. Ing. Praxmarer Robert, Naglhofer Christian, Ars Electronica Futurelab
The user can leaf through the pages of a virtual book by making certain hand motions and thus without physically touching the computer or the screen. The pages are interactive—details can be enlarged or the presentation surface shifted by means of particular gestures.
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Kamisato Akio, Shibata Satoshi, Mashimo Takehisa
Animated butterflies are projected out of water vapor and react to users´ hand movement.
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Lam Francis
Software to create e-cards, and a humorous response to Internet porn. The program enables users to assign poses and movements to a huge selection of animated male nudes and to set up scenarios. The resulting e-cards can then be mailed off or saved to a picture gallery.
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Fujimura Noriyuki
Two rocking chairs are each equipped with a sensor and a motor. The movements of the chairs are transmitted so that the user feels the rocking of the person opposite him.
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Lia , Carvalhais Miguel
An installation on the façade of the Ars Electronica Center. An online project in which internet users can manipulate and interactively influence graphic elements becomes the basis of images projected onto the façade.
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Birgé Jean-Jacques, Clauss Nicolas, Silhol Didier
Filmed dance movements are embedded in an ambience of hand-drawn elements in which the user can not only change the appearance of the visual setting but also influence the musical score.
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Khan Osman
Everyday actions that take place on a tabletop—arranging objects or hand motions—become the basis for interactivity. Pictures recorded on camera are projected back onto the table and produce an continuous flow of images.
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Pötzelberger Werner, Dipl. Ing. Praxmarer Robert, Reitböck Erwin, Gerrard John, Haring Roland
Two 3-D portraits of a young woman—one of them follows the movement of the sun by day and the other the path of the moon by night. Swiveling the screen enables the viewer to observe the portrait from all sides without thereby interrupting the tracking activity.
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