FLUNC Media Surface Installation transpublic
01.09. to 06.09. more
Cornwell Peter, Tscherteu Gernot, Kur Kathrin, Erickson Keefer
The widespread availability of LED displays and the integration of building lighting systems with computer networks have brought together the domains of architecture and moving imagery durring the last five years and created far-reaching opportunities.
Slubfurt City? At the border of two countries that do not exist transpublic
01.09. to 06.09. more
Kurzwelly Michael
A presentation of one of the world´s newest cities: Slubfurt is a border town - half in Poland, half in Germany.
trans_areale_FBhf/Linz Brucknerhaus
01.09. to 06.09. more
Kropshofer Hans, Herold Daniela, Touzimsky Rolf
In light of global shifts, in light “of that which is transitory,” social upheavals as manifested by urban development processes have become key challenges of our day.