


06.09. - 11.09.17:00 - 00:00

OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich

Camera Lucida: Sonochemical Observatory

The camera lucida (light chamber) transforms sound waves directly into light emissions.

In a transparent chamber filled with a gas-enriched fluid, several ultrasound transformers produce a constantly changing sonochemical environment. The ultrasound waves’ propagation through the fluid brings about the formation of tiny bubbles whose implosions achieve temperatures that are as hot as the surface of the sun. As a result, sound waves in the form of light are emitted.

Honorary Mention Hybrid Art

All Dates:

06.09.  17:00 - 00:00
07.09.  10:00 - 00:00
08.09.  10:00 - 00:00
09.09.  10:00 - 00:00
10.09.  10:00 - 00:00
11.09.  10:00 - 00:00
