Theme Symposium / Conferences
06.09. - 06.09.09:30 - 13:00
Kunstuniversität Linz / K2
Goodbye Privacy Symposium I

No Privacy - No Autonomy!
What is the value of privacy? According to the classical interpretation of Modernity, the private sphere is a precondition for autonomy and the capacity of the individual to act. Being able to discuss issues in a context in which ones privacy is protected is a necessary requirement for the existence of a critical public in a democratic society. Can this view of the private sphere still be maintained before the backdrop of terror and Web 2.0?
9:30 AM Welcome and Introduction
9:45 AM The Value of Privacy
Beate Rössler (DE/NL), Professor of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam and Leiden University
10:30 AM Fear Studies
Jordan Crandall, artist and media theorist, New York
The Meta-Net. Anatomy of the Modern Surveillance Society
Erich Möchel (AT), FutureZone ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Company, Vienna
Presentation Documents:
Das Metanetz - Anatomie des modernen Überwachungsstaates
Data-Retention, Überwachunsschnittstellen und der Tod
11:15 AM Defending Freedom in the Digital World – EFF and EDRI
Danny O´Brien (UK), Journalist, coordinator of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, EFF
Rikke Frank Jorgensen (DK), member of the Board of Directors of the European Digital Rights, EDRI
12:30 PM Are We on the Way to a Transparent Society?
Erich Möchel (AT), Franz Schmidbauer (AT), Christian Pilnacek (AT)
All Dates:
06.09. 09:30 - 13:00
Ina Zwerger (AT) Armin Medosch (AT, UK) Beate Rössler Jordan Crandall Erich Moechel (AT) Danny O´Brien (US) Franz Schmidbauer (AT) Rikke Frank Jørgensen Christian Pilnacek (AT)