

Theme Symposium / Conferences

06.09. - 06.09.14:00 - 17:00

Kunstuniversität Linz / K2

Goodbye Privacy Symposium II

Identity 2.0 - Reclaiming Sovereignty

Public spaces are increasingly under permanent surveillance—via CCTV cameras in the streets and “dataveillance” in the registers of the information miners and processors. How can the private sphere be reconceptualized so that personal sovereignty doesn’t get lost completely? Could it be possible to construct an “Identity 2.0” that’s custom-tailored to the new technical and social facts of life?


2 PM Contextual Integrity
Helen Nissenbaum (US), Information Law Institute, New York University School of Law

2:45 PM Faceless
Manu Luksch (AT/UK), artist active in net-culture and film, London/Vienna

Identity 2.0: From Network Identity to OpenID
Ralf Bendrath (DE), political scientist, University of Bremen

Copyright Instead of Data Protection
Volker Grassmuck (DE), media researcher and free-lance author, Berlin

5 PM Conclusion

Moderators: Ina Zwerger and Armin Medosch

All Dates:

06.09.  14:00 - 17:00
