Future Factory Talks

3.9 10:00 – 12:00

Die Future Factory ist ein heterogenes dynamisches Gebilde, das sich aus VertreterInnen unterschiedlichster Ansätze und diverser Disziplinen zusammensetzt. Die TeilnehmerInnen präsentieren hier ihre Motivationen und die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse anhand von Arbeiten, die im Rahmen der Future Factory ausgestellt werden.

  • 10:00 Introduction by Pascal Maresch (AT)
    Director Media Performance, Ars Electronica Futurelab
  • 10:05 Knowledge from Outer Space – A.R.T.
    Michael Badics (AT), Geschäftsführer Memetics GmbH
    Attempt. Risk. Trouble. Artistic creation, new modes of cooperations, Green Economy strategies, lateral thinking of technologies as important inputs for approaches and solutions to the necessary change process taking part in society as a whole: experiences with the concept „Energy Gazer“.
  • 10:30 Sense the invisible
    Hide Ogawa (JP), Artist
    Hide Ogawa talks about the h.o solo exhibition 2010 – Sense the invisible, which is currently displayed in the Ars Electronica Center
  • 11:00 Oribotics: The Future Unfolds
    Matthew Gardiner (AUS), Artist/Oriboticist
    Oribotics is a field of research that thrives on the aesthetic, biomechanic, and morphological connections between nature, origami and robotics.
  • 11:30 Embodiment
    Horoshi Ishiguro (JP), Professor of Osaka University
    Mr. Ishiguro will talk about the concept of the Embodiment exhibition and his new work on “minimal design of human.”
  • 12:00 AmbiKraf
    Mili John Tharakan (IN), Research Associate Keio-NUS CUTE Center
    Textile Artist-Researcher. Her work explores ways to democratize technology and find a new language for the textile craft communities of Asia to engage with digital technology and smart materials.

Moderation: Pascal Maresch (AT), Director Media Performance, Ars Electronica Futurelab

Alle Rechte vorbehalten, 2010.
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