PIEdeck is an experimental interactive installation created for playful activities with multiple participants. Developed by the research group Playful Interactive Environments (PIE), it consists of a laser-tracking system, a public display and mobile virtual reality headsets. PIEdeck serves as an experimental environment to explore novel game concepts and other forms of co-located interaction in a hybrid-reality context, combining real physical movement with virtual content in a large-scale setting. The PIEdeck prototype allows virtual reality (VR) participants to walk through an immersive, abstract audiovisual world and interact with the environment. Passers-by also leave their own mark on the virtual world, creating traces that are visible to VR users and on the public display.
Playful Interactive Environments, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Team: Georgi Kostov, Andrea Aschauer, Philip Sonnleitner, Jürgen Hagler, Jeremiah Diephuis, Michael Lankes