
Virtual Reality

BTK Media Spaces

The group exhibition Media Spaces contains media projects that research innovative conceptual solutions within the realm where real and virtual spaces come together. They include artworks created with a focus on spatial aspects of media installations, including their dimension and perception, to show art works by nine young individuals who came to Berlin a year ago to study, work, and last but not least to live in the city of Berlin.


PIEdeck is an experimental interactive installation created for playful activities with multiple participants.

Current and future applications of BCIs

BCIs translate brain activity into control signals for numerous applications, including tools to help severely disabled users communicate and improve their quality of life.

Deep Space 8K: VR Playspace

Virtual reality applications tend to focus on the experience of an individual, creating an immersive experience that practically separates the user from the real world. VR Playspace strives to achieve a collaborative hybrid VR experience by integrating multiple VR players and live spectators into a cooperative game