Sound is said to be intangible, but it can be felt. Sound is considered ephemeral; nevertheless, it constantly surrounds us. Sound is movement and yet it can be perceived only when sound waves strike our body. In the wake of touch my sound, touch the sound 2.0 / sound-sculpting by Werner Jauk now makes another concerted effort to focus auditory attention on the importance of the interface that is the human body and to explore the reality-constructions of two dissimilar, sensory forms of interaction—on one hand, mechanical, passive, analytical hearing of fleeting sounds; on the other, active deployment of our sensory apparatus and thus synthesizing vision. The systemic variation of them forms the sound into stationary gestalts, models of the physically tangible materialization of immateriality.
Constantinos Miltiades, TUG – IAM
Julian Jauk, TUG – IAM
Marco Edlinger, KFUG – UNI IT
Doris Jauk-Hinz, grelle musik
Kevin Kolditz, FHS – MMA
Bence Toth, FHS – MMA