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hoaxly Fake News Game

hoaxly Fake News Game is an interactive installation where people can rate news headlines according to their perceived truthfulness. A headline will be presented on a screen.

Come, Build With Us!

We are inviting everyone to come and build interactive visuals with us. Anyone can collaborate either by coding with us directly or simply by giving us input on what they would like to see.

ET 65

Driving a six-ton earthmover using only the power of your mind or your eyes? Outfitted with cutting-edge BCI and eye-tracking technology, visitors of all ages can maneuver an ET 65 track-driven earthmover and operate its 7-meter-long excavator arm.

Chinese whispers

This digital activity project by Linz Art University’s Art Education program invites visitors to become interactive players of a popular game.

Disenchantment Space

In an artificial-intelligence society, a code is hidden from people. Even without understanding the meaning of the code we perceive it as a form of magic, which produces new results by using enormous quantities of data and broad parameters.

All of Us

All of Us explores the aesthetics of scars to highlight their visual aspects and exhibit something that is usually not on display. Apart from the visible wound, scars are also constant reminders of injuries and events.

FM4 Spielekammerl live at Ars Electronica Festival

Since March 2017 Radio FM4 has its own gaming show on The FM4 Spielekammerl-Show. At Ars Electronica Festival, the FM4 games team will do its first ever shows outside of their Viennese headquarter.

Digital Musics & Sound Art – Acoustic Additive Synthesizer

The Acoustic Additive Synthesizer (AAS) is an interactive object and instrument, which is based on the principles of a pipe organ. Pitch and volume, however, are controlled here by a computer. Each of the seven pipes has a motorized piston, which changes the pitch of the sound continuously, and a dedicated motorized air valve, which changes the volume of the sound.

Hybrid Art – The America Project

The America Project is a biotechnological art installation that produces a “collective genetic portrait.” For decades, DNA has been regarded as the sign of our individuality and identity. The artist applies the process of DNA gel electrophoresis to show that the DNA of humans is actually nearly identical.

Point of View Lab

Walls and ceilings throughout PostCity are adorned with examples of anamorphosis, graphics that, at first glance, seem to be nothing more than arbitrary blotches of color. At the Painting Station, festivalgoers can get hands-on experience creating these distortions.