The Ars Electronica Center offers its visitors something that can not be found anywhere else in the world: 16 x 9 meters of wall and another 16 x 9 meters of floor projection, laser tracking and 3-D-animations make the Deep Space 8K something very special indeed. Furthermore, Deep Space 8K presents challenging infrastructure to media artists. As they go about adapting existing works and, above all, designing installations custom-made for this space, they’re entering artistic terra incognita. The position of visitors amidst the projection surface and participation by them call for a well-thought-out aesthetic composition and concepts for the resulting dynamics.

2,800 kilometres – ten countries – one stream
ESA Copernicus, Birgit Hartinger (AT), Juliane Leitner (AT)
In Deep Space 8K, we show you a high-resolution collage of almost 50 satellite images in various colour spectra of the entire course of the Danube from its source to its estuary.

Beyond the Frame: 8K Future Project
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, JP), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
NHK meets Deep Space 8K offers a glimpse into the joint research project between the Ars Electronica Futurelab and NHK, Japan’s largest public broadcasting organization. They joined forces in 2017 to examine how 8K, the next generation of ultra-high definition TV technology, can be incorporated into daily life.

Cooperative Aesthetics – Next Edition
Gerhard Funk (AT), Christian Berger (AT), Şehmus Poyraz Birusk (TR), Clemens Niel (AT), Fabian Terler (AT)
The main idea behind the concept of Cooperative Aesthetics is to build an immersive, interactive space in which the users can produce a collaborative audiovisual aesthetic experience.

IPv4 Cube Anomalies
Benjamin Weber (AT)
IPv4 Cube: Anomalies visualizes and sonifies the entire IPv4 address space (Internet) and indicates the Chinese cyberspace within – shielded by the Firewall.

Noise Aquarium
Victoria Vesna (US), Alfred Vendl (AT), Martina Fröschl (AT)
Noise Aquarium utilizes 3-D-scans of plankton and immerses the audience in the 3-D “aquarium” of diverse micro creatures projected as large as whales.

Best of Deep Space 8K
Best of Deep Space 8K offers a bilingual overview (German and English) of the highlights from the Ars Electronica Center's regular Deep Space 8K program.

Campus Panel I: Hexagram Panel
For the very first time this year, a selection of universities will not only present their work in a special Campus exhibition, but also host their own discursive format – the Campus Forum Conferences. Hexagram will present their research network, dedicated to research-creation in the fields of media arts, design, technology and digital culture.

Cinematic Rendering
Images from within the human body enable us to better understand the anatomy and the human being.

City Lights
Sophie Amelin (AT), Jeremiah Diephuis (US), Georgi Kostov (BG), Marlene Mayr (AT), Tobias Sichmann (AT), Eric Thalhammer (AT)
A computer game: Players have to collectively solve puzzles and cleverly guide rays of light to bring the city back to life.

Physicians’ Colleague, Patients’ Helper: The Cognitive Computer
Fraunhofer MEVIS (DE)
Dr. Wenzel from Fraunhofer MEVIS introduces how deep neural networks contribute to the evaluation of medical data and how this also changes the role of physicians and patients.

Creative AI – Style Transfer
Ali Nikrang (AT)
StyleTransfer is a technique from the field of artificial intelligence (Deep Learning) with which everyday images can be transformed into an artistic and painterly style.

Cultural Heritage
There are several crews equipped with 3D laser technology traveling the world to scan in statues, buildings or entire architectural ensembles and thus preserve these priceless cultural treasures for posterity.

Daily Selection Deep Space 8K
The "Daily Selection Deep Space 8K" shows the highlights of this year's Festival Deep Space programme.

Before Us Lies Eternerdy
Fraunhofer MEVIS (DE), Media Art Nexus NTU Singapore (SG)
The short movie shows different scales of the human body, from digitized microscopic lymphoma tissue to 3-D reconstructions of a liver as well as a whole-body MRI.

Stefan Krausbar (AT), Michael Buchbauer (AT)
The Berufsfeuerwehr Linz (professional fire brigade Linz) in cooperation with the Upper Austrian fire brigade school shows a virtual fire brigade in Deep Space 8K.

GAPPP – Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice
Marko Ciciliani (CR/DE), Barbara Lüneburg (DE)
GAPPP: Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice is an arts-based research project conceived and run by composer and audiovisual artist Marko Ciciliani.

IMMERSIFY: Next Generation Immersive Media
IMMERSIFY is a European R&D consortium funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. During this year’s festival, the ongoing progress of R&D is presented in the form of demos in the Deep Space 8K.

A Journey into the Earth - Geophysics
Hans-Peter Bunge (DE), Bernhard Schuberth (DE), Markus Wiedemann (DE), Dieter Kranzlmüller (DE)
Hans-Peter Bunge, professor for geophysics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtät (LMU), Munich, demonstrates computer simulations which explain the convection processes inside the earth's mantle.

A Preview of Lazarus
Landestheater Linz (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
We will present a glimpse of Enda Walsh’s piece Lazarus, with music and lyrics by David Bowie, set in new clothing of simplistic design with heavy use of contemporary media art.

Suzanne Kite (US)
Listener is a site specific performance artwork that engages with Lakota epistemologies through computational media and narrative.

House of Medusa
Jürgen Hagler (AT), Andrea Aschauer (AT), Jeremiah Diephuis (AT), Markus Santner (AT)
The Virtual House of Medusa (VHM) is a supervised, seated virtual-reality (VR) installation, including one VR player and up to four fellow co-players.

Old News From New Friends
Bela Usabaev (DE), Dawid Liftinger (AT), Florian Liesenfeld (DE)
A video and an interactive sound installation share the Deep Space 8K. While the video is decomposing cinematic story-telling, the space is divided into acoustically shared rooms.

PAC-MAN Meets Deep Space "FUNGUAGE"
Eiji Iwata (JP), Hideki Tanaami (JP), Koichi Araake (JP), Hideaki Ogawa (JP), Kyoko Kunoh (JP), Ali Nikrang (AT), Clemens F. Scharfen (AT), Asako Okuno (JP), Rena Tanaka (JP), Kimitaro Hattori (JP), Hiroyuki Uechi (JP)
The Deep Space program of PAC-MAN comes from the team thinking about new experiences and new language.

Are you ready to experience the art of imperfection, which is made with the poetic refraction of AI? These refraction errors are created by using machine learning and AI algorithms.

Singing Sand
Tadej Droljc (SI)
Singing Sand was inspired by the sonic potential of abstract 3-D computer graphics. Grains of sand resembling visual particles are sonified by mapping their individual velocities inside a custom-made granular synthesizer.

Shimmering Perceptions
Rainer Kohlberger (AT)
The "Daily Selection Deep Space 8K" shows the highlights of this year's Festival Deep Space programme.

dastrio (KR/DE), OUCHHH (TR)
According to superstring theory, all matter in the world is made up of one thing: vibrating thin strings. What if matter is nothing but notes coming out of a vibrating string?

System Aesthetics by FIELD
As ever-more complex data systems, algorithms and smart machines are driving our lives, FIELD focus on creating new metaphors that help people, brands and institutions talk about the most intangible things in our world.

Tagtool in Deep Space 8K
For over 10 years now, building façades and stage sets worldwide have been illuminated with spontaneous images rendered and animated live.

Turbulence is an ongoing series of high-resolution visual experiments with particles simulated in different virtual environments.

Memo Akten (TR)
Inspired by the well-established history of both artistic and scientific study on oceans and oceanic waves, WAVES is a data dramatization of complex ocean simulations, distilled and re-imagined in the form of abstract visuals and sounds.