The rapprochement, as it were, of art and science, the artistic exploration of new applications, is a key factor in the increasingly social dimension of new technologies in order to comprehend how reciprocal human-machine relationships, interactions among individuals and globally networked systems can not only be better understood but, above all, better designed. International crews of artists and scientists have taken up this task, and now present their works. Two sections are new this year at the Ars Electronica Festival: Fashion is for the first time a separate category in the Art & Science exhibition area and is supported by partners such as the Fashion & Technology Program of the University of Art and Design Linz or the WEAR Sustain project of the European Commission’s STARTS Initiative. In addition, there will be a separate section with Space Art and objects dealing with the fatal potential of error in space travel.

The 101-nights
Nathalie Regard (FR/MX), Guillaume Dumas (FR), Roberto Toro (FR/CL)
In The 101-Nights we perform the recording of the sleep with 256 EEG channels, a performance in which her dreams were electronically recorded and stimulated with audios.

ASSISIbf—Symbiotic computation of bio-hybrid systems
University of Graz — Artificial Life Lab (Project coordination) (AT), Universite Paris Diderot — LIED (FR), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne — LSRO (CH), University of Zagreb — LARICS (HR), FCiencias.ID — Associacao para a Investigacao e Desen, Cybertronica Research (DE)
With large populations of animals we hope that future bio-hybrid applications will be able to solve global-scale network problems in a shorter time than today's computer algorithms.

Bubble Chaos Echo Chamber
Yosun Chang (US)
Bubble Chaos Echo Chamber is the experiential embodiment of the visitor-viewer peering into the viewpoint of someone stuck in an echo chamber.

MIT Media Lab, Fluid Interfaces Group (US)
Cocoon transplants ongoing research at the MIT Media Lab’s Dream Lab into the electronic arts context. With live experiments.

Volumetric Data Collector
Hyun Parke (KR/US), Jinoon Choi (KR), Sookyun Yang (KR) (Seoul LiDARs)
Seoul LiDARs focuses on the non-intended use of industrial technology through various artistic approaches.

Faking News
Stu Campbell (AU)
If the front-page news could be broken down and analyzed in real-time, what would it look like?

Plastics for Life
Greiner Group (AT)
At Greiner, every employee has the opportunity to present and discuss ideas online. The Plastics for Life campaign is about sustainability and plastics.

Proteus 2.0
Pierre Cutellic (FR/CH), Maria Smigielska (PL/CH)
Proteus 2.0 is an installation that modulates ferrofluid patterns, with both human and machine intelligences, in a closed loop.

Swamp Radio
Rasa Smite (LV), Raitis Smits (LV), RIXC (LV), MIT ACT (US)
Swamp Radio takes on the challenge of giving a voice to many who are unheard and invisible.

The Third Room
Mr. Erbil (IQ), Volker Kreidler (DE), WISP Collective, Nabeel (IQ), Nani Cooper (DE)
Is there an intelligent way of globalization in which the positive aspects of mixed cultures can be conserved and negative ones abolished?

CIID Research (DK)
VIRT-EU aims to intervene at the point of design to foster ethical thinking among developers of IoT solutions.