
OK im OÖ Kulturquartier

Jasia Reichardt

What began as a technological revolution has become our culture and our common reality. Visionary pioneers not only anticipate these changes with their work; they often decisively shape them and, in so doing, establish the foundation of media art as we know it today.


A bot (short for robot) is a computer program that can automatically perform certain repetitive tasks without having to rely on instructions from a human user. The SAZAE bot was just such a program.

Refugee Phrasebook

Refugee Phrasebook is an open collaborative project that provides a collection of useful phrases, icons and links for refugees and their helpers to support them after their arrival in a new place.

P2P Foundation

This digital community, launched in 2005 by Michel Bauwens, is dedicated to advancing the social potential of peer-to-peer technologies.

Die Entscheidung

Die Entscheidung [The Decision] is a computer game for two players who compete against one another at separate computers. Although competing, they have very different assignments to carry out and they don`t receive the same information.

Jennifer Lyn Morone TM Inc

Jennifer Lyn Morone highlights the human right to own personal data by turning herself into a corporation—Jennifer Lyn Morone™ Inc (founded in 2014). Her identity, physical & mental abilities, biological functions and data, are assets only she can exploit and potentially turn into profits.

OK Night: Electronic Theatre

Electronic Theatre features all prizewinning works in the 2016 Prix Ars Electronica’s Computer Animation / Film / VFX category.

Girls on Wires

ModularSynthesizer workshop for girls mit with JessicaKert (Schneiders Laden Berlin)