Jonas Bodingbauer (AT)
Die Entscheidung [The Decision] is a computer game for two players who compete against one another at separate computers. Although competing, they have very different assignments to carry out and they don`t receive the same information. Player 1 is a husband/father who’s setting out on an important day in his career. Player 2 is a malignant tumor that has to try to kill the man, who has developed cancer. One person experiences a story and has to deal with it, the other has to follow strict rules and mechanically expand the capabilities of the malignant tumor. The final outcome: either the patient survives, or he dies. Both participants are then confronted with the result and asked to talk to one another about what they have been through. The idea behind this game is based in part on the Milgram Experiment, in which participants were called upon to carry out ethically dubious assignments. Although they were cognizant of the fact that they were causing a human being to suffer, they obeyed their instructions without considering the consequences.