

ZoopTEK Knight Light Scorpion Event Festival 2016

Knight Light

Knight Light is ZoopTEK’s vision for the next generation of e-sports, as an immersive live gaming event.

Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy – QUT 2016

The Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy comprises a range of activities that share the goal of knowledge transfer and exchange with educational institutions and organizations acting at the nexus of art, design and technology.

Artist Lab Matthew Gardiner

Matthew Gardiner
Matthew Gardiner is an expert in the field of Oribotics, having coined the field, and pioneered the fusion of origami, folding and robotics with his generations of Oribotic artworks.

Nightline Festival 2016

POSTCITY Nightline

Among music-loving night owls, Nightline is an annual highlight of the Ars Electronica Festival program.

Thom Kubli Alchemists Exhibition Festival 2016

Black Hole Horizon

Thom Kubli
Black Hole Horizon by Thom Kubli is a meditation on a spectacular machine that transforms sound into three-dimensional objects and keeps the space in a steady state of transformation.

Participation and Political Socialization in the Age of New Media

For several years now, new social media have been changing how people communicate and thus our everyday life. Especially among young people, these media now constitute a central part of their lived reality. Even our political discourse is increasingly conducted via Facebook, Twitter and similar platforms, which thus open up new forms of sociopolitical participation and socialization. The conference will confront this new reality and the challenges accompanying it, and scrutinize the impact of this development on political education.

The Mobile Ö1 Atelier

Through the intense cooperation with Ars Electronica The Mobile Ö1 Atelier staged by Austria’s cultural public radio station has been a festival fixture for many years now.

Deformation Lamp

Deformation Lamp is a new light-projection technique developed in 2015, and a magical lighting system that can bring completely novel visual experiences, making physically static objects appear to move, deform or flutter.

Women in Media Arts

Woman in Media Arts is a comprehensive database dedicated exclusively to women working in these genres. It includes all women who have made a mark on the 36-year history of Ars Electronica, and is designed to serve as an active research platform for artists, curators, scholars, scientists and anyone else interested in finding out more about female practitioners in these fields.

Pentatonic Permutations Benjamin Heidersberger Alchemists Festival 2016

Pentatonic Permutations

Benjamin Heidersberger
Pentatonic Permutations is an algorithmic piano composition by Benjamin Heidersberger that started 14 billion years ago and will continue another 16 trillion years.