

STARTS Prize 2016

Appointed by the European Commission, Ars Electronica has launched a prize to select the most pioneering collaborations and results in the field of creativity and innovation at the nexus of science and technology with the arts. Ars Electronica 2016 presents a selection of the prizewinning and nominated works of STARTS Prize 2016.


Attention isn’t focused only on the prizewinning projects of STARTS–Prize 2016; Ars Electronica’s spotlight also shines on the people who produced them. At the STARTS–Forum 2016 they will have an opportunity to elaborate on their approach and point of view, their methodology and the results they’ve achieved with it.

Mini Maker Faire Linz

Makers who love experimentation present their do-it-yourself projects on Sunday. Above all, this is about dialog: people can exchange their knowledge and experiences in speeches and workshops.


Do you need a friend to chat with? Do you want to know more about an artwork? Is intelligence human? Kydo may provide an answer.


Taking work done by MIT’s Tangible Media Group and the Ars Electronica Futurelab as the point of departure, this part of the symposium will deal with how the evolution of Radical Atoms will be felt in various occupations, economic sectors and, by no means least of all, our everyday life.

Artist Lab Joe Davis

Joe Davis
The works of Joe Davis show how alchemy and the search for the miraculous can survive, even in this day and age. For “Bombyx Chrysopoeia,” he raised genetically engineered silk moths whose woven silk fibers can incorporate metals like gold or platinum. In “Astrobiological Horticulture”, the organisms bred here could theoretically survive even on Mars.


A young blonde said to me, “Welcome.” Last September, transiting to the airport, at Vienna’s Westbahnhof rail terminus I was suddenly caught up in the crowd transiting to Europe from the east. Side by side, we are waiting for the next train.