Rhizome is an experimental animated short film that has its foundation in the homonymous philosophical concept coined and developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Gattari, involving research that is close to Steve Reich’s serial music, Escher’s mathematical art work, Bruegel and Bosch’s paintings and various scientific theories about the development of life, genetics, the infinitely small and the infinitely large.
From the beginning the film propels us to a big zoom over a dimension that has not been accessible for us until now, infinitely small or infinitely far away. There we attend the birth of an unknown form of life. By repetition, connection or metamorphosis the organism experiences rapid evolution, giving shape to three major ways of evolution: organic, vegetable and mineral. For his visual depiction of a universe in which everything is tightly interconnected, Boris Labbé has been announced as the winner of the Golden Nica in the 2016 Prix Ars Electronica’s Computer Animation / Film / VFX category.
Credits: Director: Boris Labbé; Animation: Boris Labbé, Loïc Sitti, Wen Fan; Compositing: Boris Labbé, Sami Guellaï; Music: Aurélio Edler-Copes; Sound mix: Victor Praud; Producer: Ron Dyens; Sacrebleu Productions 2015
The film received support from the Agence Culturelle d’Alsace during a two-month pre-production residency and from the Ciclic Région Centre during eight months on a production residency in 2014. The film also received financial support from SACEM, CNC, France Television and Procirep—Angoa.