

Modular Body Alchemists Exhibition Festival 2016

The Modular Body

The Modular Body is an online science fiction story about the creation of OSCAR, a living organism built from human cells.

Fog Pixel

Kazuma Suzuki, Asturo Ueki, Masa Inakage
Fog Pixel introduces a method for controlling the fog stream shape, direction and wind velocity, to go along with light and sound.

MASSES: Motors And Stones Searching for Equilibrium State

Quadrature’s installation manifests the meaning of a Sisyphean task. The sole purpose of the machine is to maintain two large stones on a steel plate in perfect equilibrium. An endless succession of feedback effects and adjustments is necessary to prevent the incessantly threatening, imminent loss of balance.

STONES: Storage Technology for Observed Nearby

Compared to the cosmic dimensions of time and space, a human life and human civilization come across as rather modest. Nevertheless, we tend to interpret findings in the field of astronomy from our limited point of view—for example, such momentous revelations as the fact that there are 40+ known planets on which water—and thus, life—could exist.

Photosynthegraph Alchemists Exhibition Festival 2016


Yoko Shimizu
Photosynthegraph combines photosynthesis and photography to print graphic images on plants.

Without Borders

During times in which the world’s borders are becoming increasingly hard and fast, people without borders are gaining importance.

Neighbor Alchemists Exhibition Festival 2016


Naotaka Fujii + GRINDER-MAN + evala
How do we build a social relationship with others? How will technology interfere with the building process? The immersive art performance Neighbor visualizes the subjective process and will predict the future pattern of social bonding.

ALE Shooting Star Alchemists Exhibition Festival 2016

Sky Canvas

ALE provides shooting stars and meteor showers on demand.