total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2028 | 09 | 17

  Matthaeus Frost, the best graphicsdesigner of the world is founding a new agency for advertising in New York called FROST.WDK2. The first references are DaimlerChrysler and Procter&Gamble. From the German Art Directors club (ADC) the agency got 17 golden nails (the highest prize) because the agencys work was so creative.  
posted by kritikerderneuzeit , on 02 SEP 2004 14:24:10 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 65.92% (total 207) / 34.08% (total 107), post/view comments:
2014 | Linux overtakes Windows!

  After Longhorn in 2007 and Smallbrain in 2012 Microsoft is finally defeated. Linux with its new kernel 3.4 reaches 51% market share for desktop systems. It offers all the state-of-the-art technologies you can dream of and stands for the success of opensource. Long forgotten are small troubles like SCO and patents. Technology and reason were victorious which is quite rare in the history of mankind. If you really want to enjoy the performance of your Intel "Septium" or AMD "Air Hammer" go install Linux. You won't miss a thing as Microsoft Office LX (=Lowered Expectations) and InDirectX 12 run perfectly on Linux, too.
Analysts predict a market share of less than 10% for windows and more than 70% for Linux in the year 2020. Opensource Solaris and other BSD-variants will make up for the remaining 20%.
On the server market windows might face extinction till then.
posted by PoolSnoopy , on 10 AUG 2004 14:14:11 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 77.41% (total 233) / 22.59% (total 68), post/view comments:
2029+ | Noise will replace music...

  The transexpansion numeral unit (TNU) will replace math in schools. The polywave will replace normal physics in daily life. And the Totimorphous will replace the nation state. Kettleday will be the only date on any one's mind. And pure noise will replace music once and for all.  
posted by GX Jupitter-Larsen , on 16 AUG 2004 17:25:33 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 76.35% (total 184) / 23.65% (total 57), post/view comments:
2005 | Post-Future

  Marshal Law in the United States, declared by President George W. Bush on November 1, 2004 (based on flawed intelligence that terrorist attacks were imminent), will continue in 2005, causing the beginning of an uprising between so-called red and blue states. This will be the beginning of the second civil war in the U.S., creating a further fractured nation of feuding tribes. Mexico and Native American nations will seize the chaotic moment to reassert themselves and reclaim authority over specific parts of the geographic region. The rest of the world will prosper and peace and civility will reign with a distracted North America.  
posted by Robert Thill , on 08 AUG 2004 22:48:23 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.49% (total 135) / 43.51% (total 104), post/view comments:
2020 | 2020, please be a better world to live

  Now has the time come, in which we can look back to 2004 and we will see, that something very similar to the Holcaust has "occured" - The genocide in Dafur (Sudan)! Every day about 1400 people are dying there because of some murder, natural death, nothing to eat / drink ... Women and girls are raped all the time, everywhere there. Nobody is safe, and many, many people are completely blameless for that mischief. And what does the "modern", western world do? They won't see that nuisance and deny the most facts. Nice world we are living in, hm? Hope that 2020 is more public spirited, less greedy for power and generally less greedy... And what would be very enjoyable to see: Humans that can bethink of themselves and the true values in life! So long, yours forward looking guy  
posted by Thomas , on 10 AUG 2004 10:18:54 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.85% (total 123) / 41.15% (total 86), post/view comments:

posted by BOZO , on 03 SEP 2004 19:09:43 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 83.06% (total 152) / 16.94% (total 31), post/view comments:
2012 | Just get some more social

  "hm", the Think Tanks of the USA thought, "Isn't it curious, that our Drug-Laws are based on some conference 60 years ago? Shouldn't we do something now and discuss that now?"
And so it came, that finally the USA gave the revolutionary impulse for the new drug situation: They agreed that naturall substances like ### are much more harmless than alcohol (what is actually a fact) and set up some new laws. Prohibition isn't the right way they gotta see, so liberalization or even legalization of ### is the "future". They can cash some money, the rate of criminality will definitily go down, the people will see the world with more objectiv eyes, see that life isn't a straight line. Well, sooner or later that vision of some mind-free world will become true, just look at our open-minded youth...
posted by , on 10 AUG 2004 11:31:16 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 104) / 42.86% (total 78), post/view comments:
2009 | Free Worldwide phone calls

  Phone calls will be free into most developed countries by 2009 as you will only pay a basic subscription fee and not for any calls as these will be routed over a global Voice Over IP network.  
posted by Alex , on 10 AUG 2004 08:41:52 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 64.44% (total 116) / 35.56% (total 64), post/view comments:
2029+ | Cyberpunk is now

  Big companies rule the world. Countries and goverments still exist, but only officially. Most of them are dictatorships and the few democracys left are a fake, because less then 20% of the people vote. International laws, made for the big companies, reduce the power of local goverments to almost zero. Every citizen is watched everywhere, total surveilence has become normal a long time ago. Big Brother is watching you. And the Thought-Police has become almost true. Only genetic engineerd people will get good jobs. Local uprisings against this system are dealt with brute force and without mercy.
If I think of it, this is not 2029+ this might be allready true in 2005...
posted by Stefan , on 10 AUG 2004 10:35:25 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 66.86% (total 117) / 33.14% (total 58), post/view comments:
2027 | Immunisation against AIDS

  About 70% of the different types of AIDS are defeated with new possiblities of immunisation. In the first and second world, the new infections decrease dramatically while in the third world infections increase because mass immunisation is to expensive.  
posted by Hans Mole , on 10 AUG 2004 15:30:00 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 61.90% (total 104) / 38.10% (total 64), post/view comments:
2029+ | Same procedure as every year

  Miss Sofie will be shown in TV every new year's eve.  
posted by Laglover , on 10 AUG 2004 10:54:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.48% (total 101) / 39.52% (total 66), post/view comments:
2010 | New media officially becomes old

  New media officially becomes old.  
posted by Ian Brown , on 10 AUG 2004 02:06:57 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 63.35% (total 102) / 36.65% (total 59), post/view comments:
2010 | Hard Disc Drives exceed 10 Terabyte

  Looking at the last 20 years a permanent trend of doubling mass storage capacities in 3,5 inch drives every year can be seen. In 2010 a standard drive built in a consumer device will exceed 10 Terabytes, allowing users to store years of music and video. Assuming a "library" capacity at home there will be better ways of storing and retrieving wanted information, not as today in using a file system but more database like. Also your personal music and videos will be backed up through the internet in a distributed but encrypted manner, so that data loss is minimized.  
posted by synczero , on 10 AUG 2004 08:58:36 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 64.94% (total 100) / 35.06% (total 54), post/view comments:
2006 | SOCCER

posted by HOLZMICHL , on 10 AUG 2004 09:16:16 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 42.86% (total 66) / 57.14% (total 88), post/view comments:
2029+ | The EU makes first approaches to having english as official language

  Due to an "englishization" of the worlds knowledge as a consequence of the omnipotnece of the internet most people in europe speak english as good as their mother tongue. Because of the forthcoming unification of europe a common language is needed to be competitive with economic powers like the US and China.
France is outraged - the european unity is in great danger.
posted by m2k1 , on 10 AUG 2004 09:55:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.49% (total 87) / 43.51% (total 67), post/view comments:
2029+ | beoble forgt to speag writ an reat

  begause everithing is conrolled by wireles brain, noboddy ned do writ, reat an sbeak te beoble forgt theire languag  
posted by prophet , on 10 AUG 2004 13:36:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.17% (total 89) / 41.83% (total 64), post/view comments:
2012 | Hillary for President

  Hillary Clinton was electet for President  
posted by Redexploder , on 10 AUG 2004 11:39:04 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.74% (total 68) / 55.26% (total 84), post/view comments:
2013 | Christianitypopularity loss

  The percentage of christian people in the world will fall below 20% for the first time ever.
posted by m2k1 , on 10 AUG 2004 09:25:16 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 64.75% (total 90) / 35.25% (total 49), post/view comments:
2008 | Everyone will need a hole in their head

  Trepanning will become very popular and the prettiest girl will have the biggest hole in her head.  
posted by Jessica King , on 17 AUG 2004 05:37:43 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 73.91% (total 102) / 26.09% (total 36), post/view comments:
2025 | civil war

  The civil war in Africa, because of drink water and food, the people try to escape to Europe. But they are to many, so the public health insurances break down. Poorness and starving will take place in Europe, the peope try to fight against the immigrants. In the last 20 years the moslemic people had so many children they will get the mayority in Europe, they try to make their on states or to set sharia laws in the european countrys. The civil war between the molems and christian people will start.  
posted by prophet , on 10 AUG 2004 09:48:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 85) / 37.50% (total 51), post/view comments:
2029+ | Poles melting

  North pole is ice free for 6 months of a year now. The ice caps of greenland and antarctica have lost 2/3 of their mass. The gread flood wiped out states like bangladesh, nederlands or florida.
The US president accuses the Al Quaida for the flood and rises the military budget again to a all time high.
posted by J.R. , on 10 AUG 2004 10:55:47 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.15% (total 80) / 39.85% (total 53), post/view comments:
2029+ | World in the Middle Ages

  The world will fall back into the technological middle-age. Every idea and every invention is blocked by patents and copyright taxes so nothing is usable. The politics is influenced so strongly by great economy monopolies that the democratic governments is no more able to act and lead.  
posted by Volker , on 10 AUG 2004 09:52:48 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.12% (total 82) / 37.88% (total 50), post/view comments:
2005 | Wartime

  After cancelling the ellections in 2004, because of very unlikely but possible terrorist atacks, George W. Bush sends troops into Syra, the USA bomb Damascus for a week and promise to bring freedom, peace and democracy soon. Meanwhile, the war in IRAQ goes on. Isreal still does not pull out of Gaza and threatens IRAN with their A-Bombs. 200.000 People die in Sudan because of famine.
The EU finally decides to invite Turky to become a member, which starts riots in many contries. The EU parlament objects the decision but the commission does not care as usual. At the end of 2005 the first elections are won with the promise not to let Turky into the EU. Right wing parites in France, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, etc. gain more the 10%.
Tony "the poodle" Blair still is re-elected, but assasinated by radical muslims.
posted by Stefan , on 10 AUG 2004 11:01:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.49% (total 74) / 43.51% (total 57), post/view comments:
2021 | eNewspaper

  The New York Times discontinues it's paper version and instead delivers the news via the net to the homes and businesses, where it is read on e-paper-devices.  
posted by Christian Wolf , on 10 AUG 2004 08:49:50 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.66% (total 74) / 39.34% (total 48), post/view comments:
2005 | Post-Prediction

  The Carter Center and representatives from many diverse nations who traveled throughout the U.S. to monitor elections in so-called swing states will express dismay at having no U.S. election to monitor. Many will be left stranded long into 2005.  
posted by Robert Thill , on 09 AUG 2004 01:00:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.83% (total 67) / 44.17% (total 53), post/view comments:
2029+ | Cars Electronica

  Computers are banned from homes and can only be kept in cars. Ars Electronica is renamed to 'Cars Electronica'.  
posted by lenny duce , on 09 AUG 2004 12:22:29 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 35.83% (total 43) / 64.17% (total 77), post/view comments:
2021 | Cancer cure

  Cancer can be cured in the majority of cases  
posted by m2k1 , on 10 AUG 2004 09:11:06 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.83% (total 67) / 44.17% (total 53), post/view comments:
2026 | 512 will be enough.....

  Bill Gates Junior tells the world that 512 Terrabyte RAM will be really enough for every Programm... (see Year 2011)  
posted by saft , on 10 AUG 2004 11:16:00 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.62% (total 68) / 41.38% (total 48), post/view comments:
2005 | The end of Open-Source-Software

  The European Council quickly passes a law permitting software patents and only weeks later the patent-holders, mainly Microsoft, start claiming ridiciulous patent-fees from the main providers of Linux-distributions. Others follow the example and a wave a lawsuits with unpredictable outcome begins. This crippes the commercial market for open-source-software.  
posted by Konrad Haenel , on 10 AUG 2004 13:35:45 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.00% (total 46) / 60.00% (total 69), post/view comments:
2029+ | the badest thing

  the earth is only a big chunk of dust. a atomic bomb has destroyed the earth and all life is gone.

posted by Sebastian Lists , on 10 AUG 2004 09:01:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.18% (total 45) / 59.82% (total 67), post/view comments:
2012 | Energie

  die Einbindung der osteuropäischen Länder in die EU beginnt zu greifen.Die Energienachfrage steigt gewaltig, da auch die bisherigen 1.Welt Länder immer mehr an Energie verzehren.Durch die gestiegene Nachfrage wird das Bewußtsein für unsere Umwelt noch mehr in den Hintergrund gedrängt.Eine Ärea die entweder eine breite Basis für alternative Energien schafft, oder diese für lange Zeit ins Abseits drängt.  
posted by , on 10 AUG 2004 11:27:58 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.76% (total 63) / 43.24% (total 48), post/view comments:
2010 | DN4E

  3drealms offically sets an inoffical releasedate for duke nukem 4 ever  
posted by helium vola , on 10 AUG 2004 11:36:12 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.56% (total 60) / 44.44% (total 48), post/view comments:
2029 | Virtual Reality World-wide Network has been launched yesterday!

  Finally what was a promise of a new way of living for the last five years has been switched on last night in the most impressive fashion: The VRWWN has been successfully launched.
Just 25 years ago (August 2004) it was called the Internet, a prehistoric mammoth slow and useless for most of our parents, today is the state of the art centralised system that governs our homes and our entertainment with a very sophisticated globalize network.
Every home in the planet has the ability to access in real time all information around the world.
The system is equipped with a virtual reality time machine that reconstruct all data input on the network and gives possibility to people to go back in time and interact with historical events. In my house last night, while granddad was playing guitar with the Beatles, my kids were trying to stop the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster.The VRWWN is very impressive indeed, too good to be true. I wonder if somebody was watching me while shaving this morning… It doesn’t matter as long as granddad is happy!…
posted by Richard Journo , on 10 AUG 2004 17:40:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 59.26% (total 64) / 40.74% (total 44), post/view comments:
2029 | what will happen

  the same shit as every year  
posted by s , on 10 AUG 2004 09:07:44 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 63.55% (total 68) / 36.45% (total 39), post/view comments:
2020 | DN4E - Part II

  Duke Nukem 4 Ever will finally be released.
But since almost everyone who waited for this game is now to old to play oldfashioned FPS, the game will be a complete commercial failure.
posted by TheBee , on 10 AUG 2004 11:42:17 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.19% (total 59) / 43.81% (total 46), post/view comments: