2008 | first private space travel
The first private space travel was successful.
Coca Cola, Inc announced to support the project. It is escpected, that by 2012 first people will visit the moon.
Rumors say, that Coca Cola, Inc wants to paint the moon red and white with the Coca Cola logo. |
posted by
on 10 AUG 2004 12:45:58 (UTC+01)
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2008 | bob barker
Bob Barker will oddly become president, then rule the world..only after selling the united states on his game show...a little confused |
posted by
on 17 AUG 2004 16:11:41 (UTC+01)
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40.82% (total 20), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Major schism within the Catholic Church
With the inevitable passing of the current Pope will come perhaps the most turbulent times the Catholic Church has seen in centuries. Much of this turmiol will come from the West, where anger over sexual abuse by priests, and the sense that the Church is out of touch with the modern world, will come to a head. The next Pope will need extraordinary charisma and vision to lead the Church. His leadership will be at greater risk than any other Pope in memory. If he is touched by even the hint of scandal, millions (particularly Westerners) will leave in disgust (whereupon other faiths will cherrfully embrace them). The Church's growing multiculturalism may also put it at risk, as the next Pope may come from an ethnic group that other Catholics may consider unacceptable. And politically, the Pope will risk alienating largs blocks of the faithful whether he maintain's John Paul II's conservative policies or tries liberalization. In short, the beloved yet ailing Pope John Paul II is presently the glue holding the Church together. |
posted by
on 20 AUG 2004 19:19:56 (UTC+01)
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48.94% (total 23), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Presidents will "prepare the way" for...
After GOD is used as a popular tool for winning electors, and presidents claiming to have conversations with HIM... Then our leaders will start using the "HE made me do it" and "HE works in mysterious ways" excuses, and get away with almost anything. Ultimatly, presidents will declare to the world that the messiah is coming back to lead us... And they will prepare the way for him. But it will turn out to be... the Anti-Christ. |
posted by
on 22 AUG 2004 03:06:05 (UTC+01)
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48.84% (total 21) /
51.16% (total 22), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Clean Air
The United States will market clean air as a commodity (a plan that was set in motion years ago and will soon reap the projected benefits). After Bush gets reelected in 2004, environmental policy will continue to crash and burn, and clean air will become a rare natural resource. Because our own country will be so blackened by the pollution of big business, we will construct dome cities into which we will filter clean air that we steal from underdeveloped third world countries. The remaining surplus we will sell back to these and other impoverished countries at an outrageous price, after which we will establish Free (Air) Trade to supposedly poor money back into these choking, crumbling economies. Yay Bush! Yay Earth! Yay Free Air Trade! |
posted by
on 17 AUG 2004 16:17:29 (UTC+01)
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53.66% (total 22), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Europe Occupied
After fighting the Allied Troops out of their countries (Iraq, Syria...) fundamental muslims lead their people in a war against Europe (the near-by friend of USA) in an open war. This conflict lastst from 2005 till mid 2008. By then all of Europe is occupied by Arabic people and we live under a fundamental Islamistic regime. |
posted by
on 19 AUG 2004 10:33:08 (UTC+01)
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63.16% (total 24), post/view comments:  |
2008 | political future
arnold schwarzenegger will be president of the united states. |
posted by
Iris Jagow
on 04 SEP 2004 14:48:54 (UTC+01)
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50.00% (total 5), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Cheney vows to end Mideast War
Campaigning on a hard line platform of economic protectionism, moral reform, and strong homeland law, order and security, presidential candidate Dick Cheney promises the American people that the ongoing war with Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon is "winnable, and we will win." Outgoing president George Bush will give an effusive endorsement, saying "Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz know what's best for America, and God is on their side." |
posted by
on 04 SEP 2004 05:24:59 (UTC+01)
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62.50% (total 5), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Tremendous global depression as we fossil fuel detox
As demand from the developing world--especially China and India with their masses still living in poverty-- increases, the cost of oil & NG will shoot through the roof. Attempts to retool the entire world to function on alternative fuels will be astronomical in cost and contribute to a further rise in oil (Didya think fuel cells and PV cells are born, not manufactured???) ... Plan on a major global depression as the basis for cheap food, cheap distribution etc disappears. The longer we wait, the worse it is ... 2008 will see the beginning of the detox ... Plan on a lot of economic DTs.
(PS: For all those undiscovered reserve fanatics, think of 2 billion more people living American lifestyles and realize that the Lost Dutchman's oil mine wouldn't help.) |
posted by
on 01 SEP 2004 23:02:54 (UTC+01)
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2008 | CS
Finaly Counterstrike isn´t played anymore. |
posted by
on 05 SEP 2004 15:32:54 (UTC+01)
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25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Semantic WEB
Umfangreichere Fachinhalte werden konsequent (zB. als Topic Map) kodiert im Internet zur Verfügung stehen. |
posted by
Gerhard Dirmoser
on 30 AUG 2004 13:53:01 (UTC+01)
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66.67% (total 2), post/view comments:  |
2008 | olympic year!!
Beijing Olympic must be exciting!! |
posted by
Kotaro Murashima
on 07 SEP 2004 23:24:44 (UTC+01)
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2008 | Lottery Billioniare
We will see the first lottery with a sum of one billion EUR or USD. |
posted by
on 08 SEP 2004 01:02:37 (UTC+01)
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50.00% (total 1), post/view comments:  |
2008 | Isreal and Palestina
the USA double standard in the war in Isreal and Palestina is discovered: one hand they work for peace in region, but on the other hand USA is Isreal's biggest weapon supplier.
during a Republican in the Whitehouse the double standard seems to grow, but is not yet proven. |
posted by
on 05 SEP 2004 17:43:40 (UTC+01)
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2008 | cellavision
light and life from cellular structures will emit symphonic wave and image sources that can be read |
posted by
lynn hershman
on 05 SEP 2004 09:59:08 (UTC+01)
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50.00% (total 1), post/view comments:  |
2008 | there is turning point of degital media production
degital media and gadget take kids away from parents. Kid are staying at their own room, playing TV games and chatting with other person. Therefore less and less contact happens within house. We recognize to need to have something information or media design to make kids come back to the LIVING ROOM. |
posted by
michihito mizutani
on 05 SEP 2004 14:38:57 (UTC+01)
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100.00% (total 2), post/view comments:  |