YEAR 2018
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2018 | Nokia, Siemens , Microsoft ?

  22.9.2018 ,
das heutige Thema : " Nokia und Siemens werden zu NoS Communications "

Wie Mark Kempinski ( Chef der Siemens Communications Sparte) heute verkündet hat werden zum 1.1.2019 die beiden Mobilfunkfirmen Nokia und Siemens Communications zu einem Betrieb fusionieren. Das erste Handset von NoS Communications wird das ' CfX3785 ' , was in 3G und 4G funktioniert.
Eldar Murtazin ( Nokia Hauptbetriebsleiter seit 2000 und offiziel seit 2010) sagte dazu " Wir freuen uns auf eine wunderbare Zukunft und zahlreiche neue Handsets" (Tipp vom Autor : man beachte ' zahlreiche ^^)
Der Hauptgegener von NoS Com wird sicherlich MS/// ( aus Motorola und Sony/// wurde MS [Microsoft] /// ).
Mehr dazu an jeder Visionstation.
posted by cokon , on 10 AUG 2004 15:32:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.39% (total 31) / 45.61% (total 26), post/view comments:
2018 | Eye Implant for watching movie

  The preprocessing in the neural network of the eye has been decoded, so implants between the eyes and the brain can record and playback visual data. Similar to the movie 'brainstrom'.
First targeted for blind people it becomes more an more a visual trip for young and rich and ends like mobil phone as an everyday tool.
As the compression of the data is highly object oriented and use the human brain as cache, the movies are much more interactive. The stars, language and location can be replaced. The clothes and violence-level can be adopted by a age rating system.
While watching the movie, an AMD HugeON-123 or a Pentium EvenMoreHuge-7M processes the real viewed images and can be used to detect the viewing direction or even use the real-seen-world as background for the spectacular interactive and breathtaking event. And there will be enough CPU power to realize the prefect DRM (What you see is what you pay)
posted by Andres Obrero , on 10 AUG 2004 11:28:14 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.56% (total 30) / 44.44% (total 24), post/view comments:
2018 | Music

  A totally new style of music is introduced.  
posted by DJ Wheely , on 18 AUG 2004 10:35:36 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 46.15% (total 18) / 53.85% (total 21), post/view comments:
2018 | F0'5h122L3

  Yeah, fo'shizzle will be written like F0'5h122L3 for starters. Hopefully not.

Guess what? I have no clue, nor do you, so here I guess.

Nope. Cannot think of a dern thing.
posted by Mike Desky , on 17 AUG 2004 16:11:10 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.48% (total 16) / 51.52% (total 17), post/view comments:
2018 | gute Aussichten?

  mit einer Fernbedienung (Handy?) wird die Tönung von Fensterglas im Wohnbereich reguliert.  
posted by , on 14 AUG 2004 20:25:02 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.39% (total 15) / 51.61% (total 16), post/view comments:
2018 | State of Israel Moves to Baja California

  In the largest physical material displacement in history, the State of Israel officially relocates to Baja California, Mexico. The entire land mass was carefully excavated and moved, acre by acre, including hills, farms, trees, roads, and entire cities. "It looks exactly the same" declared Stephen Speilberg, Baja Israel's first President. The move, entirely funded by OPEC, healthily subsidized all Israelis and native Bajas, who welcomed their new neighbors with open arms. With the help of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Cunard Lines, and Dreamworks, the entire move was successfully accomplished during the eight days of Chanukah. "It's like a miracle" declared one native Israeli.  
posted by in karma , on 24 AUG 2004 18:53:55 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.84% (total 17) / 45.16% (total 14), post/view comments:
2018 | Apron Strings

  The voting age will be lowered to 12. A bill will be passed which allows for the installment of a child leader in the government.
Government will be mass marketed to children of voting age as a toy for entertainment in order to train them to believe in its ultimate power.
There will be two child leaders - a pudgy girl and boy of slightly ambiguous race. A queen and king who are pudgy and spoiled and wearing suits and skirts.
They will be elected based on their food taste and what they like to eat. They will be given options to choose from - all of which will be large, corporate food chains.
The children will be cued to say "I love you" to each other as a sign of the country's stability.
The rest of the world will be occupied by the United States business and military. Due to our child leaders, the citizens of the U.S. will feel like they have more of a responsibility to vote and take an interest in the national government, and worry less about global politics.
posted by Keith Biesack , on 16 AUG 2004 17:18:31 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 51.72% (total 15) / 48.28% (total 14), post/view comments:
2018 | dol2day takes over the European Union

  After the success in Germany the political simulation dol2day (democracy online today - ) becomes the new legislative organ of the European Union with its now 40 member states.
All political issues are being handled in the internet while using the dol2day platform.
posted by Jens , on 06 SEP 2004 22:24:24 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 5) / 37.50% (total 3), post/view comments:
2018 | earth flat again

  erde gilt wieder als schiebe. erkenntnis: rotation
der erde erzeugt illusion der kugel.
posted by mich , on 03 SEP 2004 12:10:34 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 0.00% (total 0) / 100.00% (total 2), post/view comments: