YEAR 2005
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2005 | Post-Future

  Marshal Law in the United States, declared by President George W. Bush on November 1, 2004 (based on flawed intelligence that terrorist attacks were imminent), will continue in 2005, causing the beginning of an uprising between so-called red and blue states. This will be the beginning of the second civil war in the U.S., creating a further fractured nation of feuding tribes. Mexico and Native American nations will seize the chaotic moment to reassert themselves and reclaim authority over specific parts of the geographic region. The rest of the world will prosper and peace and civility will reign with a distracted North America.  
posted by Robert Thill , on 08 AUG 2004 22:48:23 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.49% (total 135) / 43.51% (total 104), post/view comments:

posted by BOZO , on 03 SEP 2004 19:09:43 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 83.06% (total 152) / 16.94% (total 31), post/view comments:
2005 | Wartime

  After cancelling the ellections in 2004, because of very unlikely but possible terrorist atacks, George W. Bush sends troops into Syra, the USA bomb Damascus for a week and promise to bring freedom, peace and democracy soon. Meanwhile, the war in IRAQ goes on. Isreal still does not pull out of Gaza and threatens IRAN with their A-Bombs. 200.000 People die in Sudan because of famine.
The EU finally decides to invite Turky to become a member, which starts riots in many contries. The EU parlament objects the decision but the commission does not care as usual. At the end of 2005 the first elections are won with the promise not to let Turky into the EU. Right wing parites in France, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, etc. gain more the 10%.
Tony "the poodle" Blair still is re-elected, but assasinated by radical muslims.
posted by Stefan , on 10 AUG 2004 11:01:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.49% (total 74) / 43.51% (total 57), post/view comments:
2005 | Post-Prediction

  The Carter Center and representatives from many diverse nations who traveled throughout the U.S. to monitor elections in so-called swing states will express dismay at having no U.S. election to monitor. Many will be left stranded long into 2005.  
posted by Robert Thill , on 09 AUG 2004 01:00:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.83% (total 67) / 44.17% (total 53), post/view comments:
2005 | The end of Open-Source-Software

  The European Council quickly passes a law permitting software patents and only weeks later the patent-holders, mainly Microsoft, start claiming ridiciulous patent-fees from the main providers of Linux-distributions. Others follow the example and a wave a lawsuits with unpredictable outcome begins. This crippes the commercial market for open-source-software.  
posted by Konrad Haenel , on 10 AUG 2004 13:35:45 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.00% (total 46) / 60.00% (total 69), post/view comments:
2005 | Truck toll system in Germany

  By end of 2005 the ALL NEW toll system for trucks in Germany will still not be at service.  
posted by Markus Tecza , on 10 AUG 2004 12:56:56 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.67% (total 51) / 43.33% (total 39), post/view comments:
2005 | The Gnu/HURD kernel

  ...will be finished next year  
posted by mrks , on 10 AUG 2004 09:40:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.88% (total 45) / 45.12% (total 37), post/view comments:
2005 | The SCO Group

  The SCO Group will finally file for Chapter 11.  
posted by neuronion , on 10 AUG 2004 11:56:08 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.33% (total 42) / 41.67% (total 30), post/view comments:
2005 | Apocalypse Now

  President Bush is re-elected, starts war with Iran, Russia, China; nuclear holocaust ensues.  
posted by , on 20 AUG 2004 13:50:07 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 34.92% (total 22) / 65.08% (total 41), post/view comments:
2005 | Sharikari Hal Jassim sect found god!

  The Sharikari Hal Jassim sect stated in a press release, that the have revealed god on the internet. Hal Jassim, the founder and self-declared "pope" is cited as follows:
"God lives on the internet, because it is founded in freedom and peace to share wisdom and love. Every ip is a soul, every web page is a church, every email is a prayer. Meet us online, and you will be close to GOD."
posted by pukys , on 10 AUG 2004 13:00:56 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 31) / 50.00% (total 31), post/view comments:
2005 | Bush is re-elected

  A planet mourns.  
posted by , on 13 AUG 2004 03:03:38 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 26.32% (total 15) / 73.68% (total 42), post/view comments:
2005 | We'll all be speaking english

  The World Wide Web, the globalization of media, advertising, and the international media art forums that use their native language as second to english have finally set the language of Shakespeare not the lingua franca but the official world language. Speaking other languages such as spanish, german, french, italian, etc. is considered for unplugged-low-class people.  
posted by Pau , on 25 AUG 2004 13:18:08 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 30.77% (total 16) / 69.23% (total 36), post/view comments:
2005 | Hispanic Pope

  The "October Surprise" had been the death of Pope John Paul II. The conclave convenes in the midst of a particularly bitter American presidential campaign; the white smoke appeared after November 2, 2004, when Cardinal Hoyos of Columbia becomes the first New World Pope. His first encyclical, released early in 2005, is a clarion call for debt relief; it is President Kerry's first major non-military policy crisis.
posted by Kenneth Freeman , on 21 AUG 2004 01:28:19 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 47.92% (total 23) / 52.08% (total 25), post/view comments:
2005 | laser guns - laser guns like in the star trek shows
posted by anon , on 17 AUG 2004 04:28:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 45.24% (total 19) / 54.76% (total 23), post/view comments:
2005 | Bards future

  Bard College will become so obsessed with liberaisml, that they will all become raging republicans.  
posted by truth , on 17 AUG 2004 16:16:53 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.74% (total 17) / 55.26% (total 21), post/view comments:
2005 | Visitors

  Stopping briefly to observe the behaviour of the so-called 'intelligent species' inhabiting the third planet from the star Sol, the Department for Relocation of Intelligent Life-forms (from the Intergalactic Hyperspace Council) decided that any species capable of inflicting so much harm to it's home, other life-forms and worst of all, to itself, was a menace to the greater good of the Universe and was eradicted during the construction of a hyper-space jump-gate.  
posted by bugga! , on 03 SEP 2004 17:35:31 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 13.16% (total 5) / 86.84% (total 33), post/view comments:
2005 | argentina's bonds

  the price of this bonds (now at 25-30 ) arrive to min. 50-60 before june 2005 and argentina government begin to pay interest.  
posted by paul , on 16 AUG 2004 11:55:12 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.65% (total 18) / 51.35% (total 19), post/view comments:
2005 | Men become prophets not in order to work miracles and signs but to reach the highest degree of p

  Letters of the alphabet, numerals, vowel-points all become symbols of existence.

posted by Al pray zoe lam , on 16 AUG 2004 13:56:30 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 18) / 50.00% (total 18), post/view comments:
2005 | US legalizes online gambling

  The Bush Administration, finally admitting the failure of tax cuts to grow the ecomony, pushes through legislation that legalizes and taxes online sports wagering.  
posted by John Vega , on 01 SEP 2004 17:52:14 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 9.68% (total 3) / 90.32% (total 28), post/view comments:
2005 | will make a project hiding the emails of participants will finally get it together to make a project that hides the emails of participants... in the days of spambots scanning thru blogs forums and chatrooms the fact that timeline+25 publishes the submitters emails without even altering maybe @ to [at] is almost a scandal  
posted by pieceoplastic , on 04 SEP 2004 11:00:57 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 87.50% (total 14) / 12.50% (total 2), post/view comments:
2005 | US democratization of the Middle East Continues

  George W. Bush, after winning the election and making it to a two-term president proceeds with his plan to furhter democracy in the Middle East.

In August 2005, after intense negotiations, Bush declares US-led economic sancionts on Sudan, Lebanon, Iran and Egypt and demands dismantling of terrorist networks in those countries.

In 2006, he will invade these countries.

In Europe, Russia starts a long and slow descent into anarchy, as Vladimir Putin acknowledges the independece of Chechnya. Several other oil-rich republics of Russia start to demand independence, and the authority of central power is diminished even further when the ill condition of infastructure and social services in Russia becomes more and more apparent.

In 2005, the EU becomes crippled when several member countries fail to claim legitimacy in referendums on the EU Constitution, and the Union begins to wither away.
posted by Jussi , on 03 SEP 2004 16:18:58 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 33.33% (total 5) / 66.67% (total 10), post/view comments:

posted by BOZO , on 03 SEP 2004 22:12:36 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 38.46% (total 5) / 61.54% (total 8), post/view comments:
2005 | Official Technological Timeline becomes the main leader in timeline search engines to monitor major academic and governmental agencies official press releases for future technological goals.  
posted by Stewert Dent , on 01 SEP 2004 19:09:46 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.00% (total 6) / 40.00% (total 4), post/view comments:
2005 | Liberation

  Lebanon will be liberated from the syrian occupation. Peace will become true.  
posted by , on 06 SEP 2004 19:59:57 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 5) / 37.50% (total 3), post/view comments:
2005 | X Prize

  The X-Prize having been won by Scaled Composites in late 2004, the remaining teams will focus on the X-Prize cup, commercial suborbital tourist flights, an on developing a generation of commercial orbital boosters.  
posted by Foob , on 03 SEP 2004 15:12:03 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 3) / 50.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2005 | on looking and listening

  cctv looking at cctv lens movements. cross-section observations and inter-analysis, virtual voyeurism and data datadatadatadatadatadatadatadatadata and more data analysis, predictions and structural theories of thinking and virtual behaviour. somebody must be watching while the rest is asleep.  
posted by rv , on 04 SEP 2004 14:30:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 20.00% (total 1) / 80.00% (total 4), post/view comments:
2005 | Political and environmental issue at the forefront.

  George Bush will have won the election, but lost the popular vote by a margin of nearly 1.8million votes. Issues will be ongoing over the fairness fo the electoral college system. Also political unrest will be in full-effect as many citizens question the validity of computerized voting. But with many voting machines unable to provide validation in the form of paper receipt, it remains mostly speculative. The issue of competing for the remaining oil prices will continue to be a major issue. With demand increasing beyond the ability for production and refinement to keep up. Prices will jump again by summer with oil selling at $54 per barrel. Americans will be pushed to limit expenditures on non-neccessary items, such as eating out, movies etc. The Bush administration will promote consumerism to fight against global terror, and will provide optimism (head in the sand, irrational optimism) to deal with the publics ecnomic woes.  
posted by Bubba , on 01 SEP 2004 18:48:16 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2005 | Gruss aus der Zukunft

  Viele Grüße vom 4. Spetember 2004 aus Linz mit Christiane, die gerade mit muttern telefoniert...

ARS electronica und bevorstehender Geburtstag von nina...

Alexander Christiane
posted by Alexander , on 05 SEP 2004 11:19:06 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 1) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments: