YEAR 2021
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2021 | eNewspaper

  The New York Times discontinues it's paper version and instead delivers the news via the net to the homes and businesses, where it is read on e-paper-devices.  
posted by Christian Wolf , on 10 AUG 2004 08:49:50 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.66% (total 74) / 39.34% (total 48), post/view comments:
2021 | Cancer cure

  Cancer can be cured in the majority of cases  
posted by m2k1 , on 10 AUG 2004 09:11:06 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.83% (total 67) / 44.17% (total 53), post/view comments:
2021 | More hydro than conventional combustion engines

  The world federation on mobility announced today that the balance between cars that depend on fossile based fuels and the ones powered by fuelcells (or hydro-oxygen) has shifted towards the latter. This development started in the beginning of this millennium, but suffered a delay after the terrorist attacks of 2008.  
posted by Jean-Marques , on 19 AUG 2004 14:25:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.38% (total 22) / 47.62% (total 20), post/view comments:
2021 | It alone thought it alone spoke and wrote, it alone taught.

  A full moon is CODE C and lightning is CODE K. fresh snow in sunlight CODE A . grass in starlight CODE Z.  
posted by Al pray zoe lam , on 16 AUG 2004 14:05:00 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.26% (total 21) / 44.74% (total 17), post/view comments:
2021 | UNA formed

  as a result of the ten year anarchy, the united nations army is formed. drafting is made up from all members of the UN, who subsequently surrender all arms to the monolith . the sheer size of the army renders nationalism obsolete, globalism absolute, as no nation state now has the power to resist.  
posted by bob jane , on 26 AUG 2004 10:01:34 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.55% (total 12) / 45.45% (total 10), post/view comments:
2021 | Generational "benefits" war

  Young people will rebel at paying taxes primarily
devoted to maintaining older people living at a higher
standard of living. As the cost of these entitlements
soar, standard of living will collapse for people in
the active workforce and I predict that this will lea
to open rebellion in the near future.
The current mechanism is unsustainable and

Additional contributing causes:
- the expense of the entitlements causes jobs to migrate to foreign (cheaper) countries, further damaging the prospects of the working generation(s).
- the payer for the system is never the beneficiant
- people are only allowed to vote once they reach 18, but there is no age limit when your right to vote is terminated
- as average life span increases and with population growth slows, the percentage of retirees in the total population soars.
posted by J Geada , on 01 SEP 2004 15:42:42 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 10) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments:
2021 | The death of CGI

  After decades of computer generated movies, with even decreasing costs, a strong sub-culture of followers of pre-cgi movies finally makes a break through into main-stream culture and old school movie making becomes in vouge.

Advertisment has mainly moved into two different schools, the most popular is product adviertisment, and is also used for political uses, with popular series and movies as propaganda machines for the ruling political machine.
The second is huge moving bilboards with personoalized commerlizal messages in smaller venues as sub-way stations, and huge short movies in larger venues.

And we still depend on fosilized fuel sorces.

Geo political we have three different blocks, the EC, the old USA, and the pan-asia block. both EC and USA has major trade blocks in place, making them almost closed. This is used as a last atempt at survival since the pan-asians focus on education has turned them into a technological superpower.
posted by Nomine , on 01 SEP 2004 13:07:39 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 4) / 42.86% (total 3), post/view comments:
2021 | backwards

  After digital revolution there wil be regress until biotechnology will take over.  
posted by ivika , on 05 SEP 2004 13:57:31 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 2) / 50.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2021 | First fully automatic hospital

  The first fully automatic hospital has been opened today on March 25th in Linz, Austria. The new AKH treats patients without any human interaction. The ill or hurt persons brought by the emergency cars are forwarded to the doctor robots of type "DocRobot" (how creative) from the Chinese company "Chi Robotics" ...  
posted by Silverbit , on 05 SEP 2004 14:36:25 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 2) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments: