YEAR 2011
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2011 | Microsoft filed for bankrupcy

  Microsoft had to file for bankrupcy as the company was incapable of recuperating after the desastrous introduction of Microsoft ShortTail.
Bill Gates, head of the once mighty software foundry, resigned only minutes before the official declaration of bankrupcy. In an immediate reaction,
authorities froze the private accounts of Bill Gates as well, as he will be held liable with all his assets for the massive losses.

Microsoft was unable to resolve the most burning secuirty issues in its most recent operating system release thus loosing millions of enterprise and private customers to its toughest opponents in the OS-market, MacOS XII and Linux.
posted by Michael K. , on 06 SEP 2004 17:27:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 4) / 42.86% (total 3), post/view comments:
2011 | suicide moms

  Driven to the edge by extreme Cheney era hostility to women's rights, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, rollback of workplace laws against sexual harassment, and the general tone set by the powerful Religious Right in America, a radical underground women's movement emerges, marked by numerous shocking suicide bombings targetted at conservative male politicians and business leaders across the nation. Cheney responds by giving contract police force American Security Inc. a broad mandate to investigate "extremist feminist cells" and detain suspected leaders indefinitely. American Security's CEO Condoleeza Rice downplays the situation, pointing to her own success as a prime example of the strides that women have made in US society.  
posted by genobaby , on 04 SEP 2004 06:09:26 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 80.00% (total 4) / 20.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2011 | Ascott as mayour of Linz

  Esteemed artist Roy Ascott was apointed mayour of Linz today. Mr. Acotts role as profiling Linz as the cultutal capital of Europe in 2009 was a  
posted by artnode6 , on 03 SEP 2004 20:43:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 33.33% (total 1) / 66.67% (total 2), post/view comments:
2011 | ten year anarchy

  this year marks the beginning of a ten year descent into global anarchy. during this time governments become underground organisations in secret developing a coordinated long term approach to halt social decline. this includes the resurrection of the UN in 2020 as a precurser to a covertly controlled global army. the resulting emergent government is decentralised, yet tightly integrated and impossible to dethrone.  
posted by bob jane , on 26 AUG 2004 10:06:34 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.44% (total 8) / 55.56% (total 10), post/view comments:
2011 | Le vote désuet (FRENCH)

  En 2011, il faut bien se rendre à l'évidence, personne ne vote. La raison de la désaffection des urnes par les français est connue de tous et l'on en parle au moins depuis une dizaine d'année : le vote ne représente rien de plus qu'un simulacre et revient à choisir entre bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet. A quoi bon se déplacer pour voter? Autant profiter du soleil et du chant des oiseaux, c'est la seule chose que la plupart des français moyens soient en mesure d'obtenir étant donné leurs faibles revenus.
A noter que ce phénomène a été observé dans la plupart des démocraties occidentale ayant sacrifié au règne du libéralisme économique.
posted by Julien , on 16 AUG 2004 22:45:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.65% (total 18) / 51.35% (total 19), post/view comments:
2011 | The human skull is an excellent receiver

  It is possible to become receptive to a state of pure consciousness without thought, a state in which truth is revealed to us directly without the use of words.
posted by Al pray zoe lam , on 16 AUG 2004 14:00:39 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.88% (total 19) / 44.12% (total 15), post/view comments:
2011 | MOON-BASE

  I think that we will have a base on the moon in the year of 2011.  
posted by Theodor , on 16 AUG 2004 01:48:08 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 17) / 50.00% (total 17), post/view comments:
2011 | Aryans Found in Poland

  Pre-Slavonic cults with unidentified identities will be found in chambers buried deep beneath Polish soil. Later to be acknowledged as the centre for Aryans that dispersed around the world.  
posted by , on 12 AUG 2004 18:20:57 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 51.22% (total 21) / 48.78% (total 20), post/view comments:
2011 | Nuclear Terrorism

  Despite the Orwell-like efforts of the American government to supress terrorist activity a formerly unknown islamistic group of terrorists suceeds in detonating a nuclear device in a major US-city.  
posted by KonraD , on 10 AUG 2004 23:40:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 49.02% (total 25) / 50.98% (total 26), post/view comments:
2011 | eGovernment becomes true nightmare

  Upon launch of eGovernment in 2009, many critics warned, that these information could be compromised or used to discredit individuals.
This now has become true.
people applying for a job are now scanned through this governmental data.
companies (such as "Gerling personal insurances") have formed to calculate and sell personal indices based on: crimrial intent, personal integrity, financial integrity and several "insurance parameters".

Meanwhile, security problems have become evident. Administrators found inconsistences in personal account data and documentation history. More than 7500 manipulated records were found in a first review, including personal data and law enforcement documentation. The data was changed, but the original content is lost and can't be restored. 1250 personal id data records were declared illegal. This lead to individuals without history or rendered them completely inexistent.

In a first attempt, Jonas K.(18), alias "g0vDawn", was caught.
posted by , on 10 AUG 2004 12:34:28 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.84% (total 34) / 45.16% (total 28), post/view comments:
2011 | 512 will be enough.....

  Bill Gates tells the world that 512 Gigabyte RAM will be really enough for every Programm... (see Year 2026)  
posted by saft , on 10 AUG 2004 11:18:49 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.55% (total 36) / 45.45% (total 30), post/view comments: