YEAR 2014
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2014 | Ban on land mines

  The UN countries will sign a ban on production of land mines.  
posted by yosi , on 07 SEP 2004 09:28:22 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2014 | sex is finaly free

  sex is finaly free  
posted by , on 06 SEP 2004 14:05:44 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 2) / 50.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2014 | Linux Paradise

  We live in a post-microsoft world of 6571 equitable Linux derivates based on small pure democratic voluntarily decentralized groups of 10-12 people, the past de-facto windows standard is lost and everybody loves to care about his own necessary security maintenance, the right device drivers and searching for appropriate applications for his admittedly very individual free operating system. But there is also one company which offers you the 6572nd Linux operating system, great usability, high integration, a whole world of first class applications, best security support, de facto standard for device drivers with full support by industry. Using the network effect it becomes very fast a kind of de-facto standard. Everybody likes it and everybody runs it. Does this sound familiar ? Yes, after 10 years we reach the same situation as we already had with the windows world of 2004, but now under glorious and political correct Linux. Who will offer this ? Guess who ? An american big trust linux monopoly you can freely choose: IBM, Novell..?  
posted by Ex Libris , on 05 SEP 2004 22:35:26 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 33.33% (total 1) / 66.67% (total 2), post/view comments:
2014 | multiplicity will be everywhere

  Within ten years multiple ontologies will be present in every sphere of life science arts and politics, western mono-ontology will be displaced in a complex diverse and interactive world  
posted by david turnbull , on 04 SEP 2004 13:15:27 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 33.33% (total 1) / 66.67% (total 2), post/view comments:
2014 | jacking into the internet

  we will be able to jack into the net like the way neal stephenson describes it in his book snow crash. Also in nueromancer.  
posted by Billy Jno Hope , on 04 SEP 2004 05:27:49 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 33.33% (total 2) / 66.67% (total 4), post/view comments:
2014 | European Union gains most medals in Olympic Games

  The now closed Olympic Summer Games, which has been held in Linz (Austria, European Union) ended with high numbers of medals for European athletes.
The members of the team with the yellow stars on the blue ground gained altogether 89 times Gold, 101 times Silver and 102 Bronze.

So Europe gets the most medals in the games, moving the People's Republic of China and the United States of America to the ranks 2 and 3.
posted by Jens , on 03 SEP 2004 14:04:18 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 25.00% (total 2) / 75.00% (total 6), post/view comments:
2014 | Apple - iWorld domination

  Apple dominates the world.  
posted by Kristos Georgiou , on 03 SEP 2004 12:00:46 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 87.50% (total 28) / 12.50% (total 4), post/view comments:
2014 | Dry Mirage

  Fresh water becomes the world's most precious commodity supplanting information.

Human visual faculties can no longer differentiate between virtual and natual reality.
posted by David Bigelow , on 02 SEP 2004 12:01:40 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 3) / 50.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2014 | Computer Knowledge Crisis

  The world finally catches up with the idea that not knowing the basics of how computer systems work is somewhat akin to not really understanding the alphabet.

People who cannot understand the basics of operating systems, file sizes, security precautions, directory structures and input/output devices are reviled.
posted by Leo Stableford , on 01 SEP 2004 17:01:45 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 5) / 50.00% (total 5), post/view comments:
2014 | Global Currency & monetary processing entity

  A global currency standard will be accepted and applicable in both realworld and digital transactions. All transactions with the global currency standard will be processed through a few corporations.

Geographical limitations of currencies will be eliminated, and global trade won't be subject to governmental control, but rather conducted through corporations providing global currency solutions. This will gradually eliminate the application and use of country/geographic specific currencies to evolve to a few competitive, corporate owned global currencies.

The global accepted currency will be dictated by prefered usage through normal trade channels, digital, virtual or physical. This will be on a compettitve business nature between corporations with established global currency standards.
posted by Jaco Vermeulen , on 01 SEP 2004 14:11:37 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 38.89% (total 7) / 61.11% (total 11), post/view comments:
2014 | The new American divide: Socialists vs. Libertarians

  Politics in American will become so divisive, and views so diverse, that voters will fall into two camps. Those at the far left will embrace socialist ideals, seeking shelter from an ecomomy with ever wilder boom-bust cycles. Those at the far right will revel in these cycles, and will be futher attracted to libertarian ideals of minimalist government. These changes will occur too quickly for the Republican or Democratic parties to respond, and both will ultimately wither away.  
posted by Brian , on 20 AUG 2004 20:25:32 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 51.02% (total 25) / 48.98% (total 24), post/view comments:
2014 | Western society divides along religious lines

  Believing that religion is the source of most all the world's conflict and suffering, millions (especially young people) will turn away from all organized religion. However, millions more will embrace radical forms of Islam, Christianity and other faiths. Moderate religious groups will be increasingly seen as irrelevant and fall to the wayside. The result will be a clear divide between fanatical religious fudamentalists and equally fanatical secular humanists -- a divide that will exacerbate terrorism, revolutions and wars worldwide.  
posted by Brian , on 20 AUG 2004 19:05:19 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.32% (total 26) / 44.68% (total 21), post/view comments:
2014 | we will get a grip and forget wireless whatnots>>>-<<<<

  the planets align as the general population realizes the tranquility of not being connected by satelites that offer you anything at your fingertips. a step back into the REAL reality which is the most simple answer you have all been searching for... but can't seem to find. it's called peace and quiet. whether it's sitting in the back yard, at the beach, or the cabin... sipping a well-appreciated and well-deserved cocktail in front of the fire at dusk. AH, ces't la vie. i can guarantee you that is what i'll be doing.  
posted by t.rowe , on 19 AUG 2004 19:52:37 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 46.15% (total 18) / 53.85% (total 21), post/view comments:
2014 | Fish Farming on the rise

  Fish farming or aqua culture rather than open sea fishing provides the majority of seafood in the world  
posted by , on 10 AUG 2004 19:22:33 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.34% (total 40) / 43.66% (total 31), post/view comments:
2014 | Linux overtakes Windows!

  After Longhorn in 2007 and Smallbrain in 2012 Microsoft is finally defeated. Linux with its new kernel 3.4 reaches 51% market share for desktop systems. It offers all the state-of-the-art technologies you can dream of and stands for the success of opensource. Long forgotten are small troubles like SCO and patents. Technology and reason were victorious which is quite rare in the history of mankind. If you really want to enjoy the performance of your Intel "Septium" or AMD "Air Hammer" go install Linux. You won't miss a thing as Microsoft Office LX (=Lowered Expectations) and InDirectX 12 run perfectly on Linux, too.
Analysts predict a market share of less than 10% for windows and more than 70% for Linux in the year 2020. Opensource Solaris and other BSD-variants will make up for the remaining 20%.
On the server market windows might face extinction till then.
posted by PoolSnoopy , on 10 AUG 2004 14:14:11 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 77.41% (total 233) / 22.59% (total 68), post/view comments:
2014 | War

  after Gulf-War 1 and 2 Iran is focused  
posted by , on 10 AUG 2004 11:39:55 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.10% (total 33) / 45.90% (total 28), post/view comments: