YEAR 2017
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2017 | mobile phone 7 tracking ID system embedded in bodies at birth

  Biotech and wetware will evolve alongside mobile technologies, our desire for perpetual contact and parental fear for child safety. Chip type devices will be grafted in to wrist and thumb bones. Dialup obviously voice activated with special settings for prelinguistic communication between parents and babies. Later, thouse left wing parents who fought the trend will be found guilty of irresponsible parenting. Those of us who grew up with land lines will feel threatened but the mobile generation will revel in easy perpetual access to one another and develop thumb stroke as opposed to keystroke comms  
posted by hannah , on 06 SEP 2004 10:07:53 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 2) / 50.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2017 | the demigod project

  after some years of testing, the demigod project is born. produced with the aid and cooperation of several government agencies throughout the world, the super database for controlling some types of information and avoid threats to nations and individuals makes it's debut, under some protests. the system also makes untraceable interception of phone calls, e-mails, we-voicemails, and video-mails to attempt foiling criminal and terrorist plans, also being abel to decrypt data with the help of several "quantum", three-bit ultra computers.  
posted by mr_dartao , on 01 SEP 2004 19:55:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2017 | We are nearer to him than the vein in his neck.

  Waves will reach the people of the earth through the insides of their brains making each person believe that his own God is speaking to him from within his own soul.  
posted by Al pray zoe lam , on 16 AUG 2004 14:02:50 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.84% (total 17) / 45.16% (total 14), post/view comments:
2017 | Housekeeping

  My Refrigerator talks to me!  
posted by , on 14 AUG 2004 20:20:59 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.33% (total 21) / 41.67% (total 15), post/view comments:
2017 | bayern wird koenigreich

  bayern beschliesst wieder koenigreich zu sein.
csu-chef wird könig, und seine spezln minister.
posted by pflanzerhans , on 11 AUG 2004 00:31:11 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.38% (total 33) / 47.62% (total 30), post/view comments:
2017 | Freedom Tower

  Der Freedom Tower der als Ersatz für das WTC errichtet wurde ist um 17:37 Ortszeit durch einen Bombenanschlag mit einer U-Bahn voller Sprengstoff die unter dem Tower in den Bahnhof eingefahren ist vollständig zerstört worden.  
posted by RedExploder , on 10 AUG 2004 11:35:14 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.88% (total 38) / 44.12% (total 30), post/view comments: