YEAR 2024
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2024 | The United States will become a theocracy

  The United States will gradually transition into a government that maintains the forms of a representative democracy, but it in fact a conservative theocracy.
The ruling elite will use the tools of modern surveillance, geolocation, and data mining to ensure that the citizens only espouse "correct" views.
posted by Bill Hanson , on 02 SEP 2004 02:10:55 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2024 | peace on earth!

  inspired by the peaceful implementation of global law, based on the UNA (see 2021) and prinicples of autopoietic social systems, the world enters an unmatched period of peace and prosperity. citizenship is global, with all citizens having mandatory relocation every five years. pure democratic governace is automated via neural interfaces allowing all dis-ease to be monitored and eliminted at the systemic cause.  
posted by , on 26 AUG 2004 10:18:03 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 47.06% (total 8) / 52.94% (total 9), post/view comments:
2024 | USA notOK

  Australia will be so strongly under the USA's thumb that it will have the rights to 80% American broadcast content in our Arts.

We will have become so accustomed to hearing American accents; Australians voices will echo that of whiny American television stars.
posted by Elizabeth , on 23 AUG 2004 08:34:32 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.91% (total 9) / 59.09% (total 13), post/view comments:
2024 | World War III Pits West vs. Islam

  Terror acts by Islamic fundamentalist groups will escalate in frequency and ferocity, as terrorists acquire increasingly powerful weapons. Eventually, the West will have no choice but to abandon all pretense of "political correctness" and declare open war on all of Islam. The West will win, but at a terrible price. Millions -- perhaps billions -- of lives are lost, great cities are destroyed, and the survivors are faced with poverty and starvation. The one nation that somehow manages to stay out of the fray -- India -- emerges as the world's new superpower.  
posted by Brian , on 20 AUG 2004 20:18:06 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 18) / 50.00% (total 18), post/view comments:
2024 | neura boosts©

  liquid application of silicon solution that enables direct wireless transmission of digital information to your memory centers - assisting peoples ability to recall memories that have been stored by generations of family members, teachers, artists, scientists, musicians ,,,,

Neura boosts will bring dynamic experience and dimension to distributing information - enriching personal understanding of our world.
posted by patricia j. o'brien , on 20 AUG 2004 05:58:58 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 22) / 50.00% (total 22), post/view comments:
2024 | jesus

  Second coming of Christ. Earth is destroyed, Hellfire and brimstone and all that jazz to the "unsaved" ones. No politicians are allowed into the heaven club.  
posted by jnobody , on 17 AUG 2004 16:21:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.83% (total 13) / 55.17% (total 16), post/view comments:
2024 | Could the Son of a perfect Power manifest imperfection now?

  0 (infinite Father) is divided by: 0 (Holy Ghost). 0/0 = reality. Son or creation 1/0 appears to be an equivalent to the infinite Father the Absolute. The quotient of 0/0 is the Son or creation itself.

posted by Al pray zoe lam , on 16 AUG 2004 14:07:07 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.00% (total 12) / 52.00% (total 13), post/view comments:
2024 | 40 years after 1984...

  If an Unchipped leave their cities, the military and the police are enforced by law to arrest them and chip them. They will be identified through the GlobData which holds the DNA of every person since late 2006.

The Unchipped are comparable with the Amish people of the late 20th century. They do not deny technology completly, but they do not wand to have it as part of their bodies. Most of the former Open Source Community members supervise the leftover of the Internet and use modified old protocols to get access to the WOMA. They are the eyes and ears of the Unchipped. They still print their newspapers and books. The Unchipped have no great power plants or ressources, so they use electricity mainly to maintenance their old-fashioned-computers.
Their society is build up on small villages and groups. They have no access to industry.
posted by halessa , on 12 AUG 2004 15:32:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 61.54% (total 24) / 38.46% (total 15), post/view comments:
2024 | 40 years after 1984... #2

  an update on his biometrical chip.

The UMN is the biggest Company on earth. Communication, Media, Global DNA Database and the World Matrix (WOMA) are its main parts. They have displaced or bought up smaller Companies and the Open Source Community. Founded 2012 out of Microsoft (which holds the majority), IBM, AOL/Warner, BBC, GlobeData and other companies, the UMN has the power over all informations consumed by the people. They decide, what is aired in TV, which informations are in the WOMA and the newspapers (which are part of the WOMA). People do not go to libraries, the library comes to the people.

There are some people left who resist to be "chipped". They are known as "Unchipped" and they live in Ghetto-like cities. They have no chance to get medical care, can't buy food or clothes in standard shopping malls or have access to the World Matrix (which was established 2010 after the old internet break down under the massive data load.
posted by halessa , on 12 AUG 2004 15:32:21 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.62% (total 17) / 41.38% (total 12), post/view comments:
2024 | 40 years after 1984...

  After an massive terrorist attack on multiple targets in 2008, the US Goverment and other associated states determined the resolution Nr. 2342 of the "Patriot Act 2". Main part of the resolution is to made biometrical identification part of the constitution of the North American Federation, The European union, The Eastern Union and the Russian Federation.
Data medium is a biometrical 3rd generation chip (RFID). The data is encrypted but can read (in part or fully) by authorized personnell. The chip is implanted under the skin. If someone tries to remove the chip, the owner gets killed. After the resolution is determined, the chips are implanted regulary in all newborn citizens.

Travel is only allowed if the passenger is fully identified through the chip. The chip will be verified through a database, which holds the complete data of the owner. The travel route must be arranged in advance and it is not allowed to change it.

Buildings can only be entered by autorization. To get autorization, the person has to fill out an form and get
posted by halessa , on 12 AUG 2004 15:31:06 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.38% (total 11) / 47.62% (total 10), post/view comments:
2024 | Maybe

  computer will be powerfull enough to simulate "future of the world" - we will be our own slayers !
posted by Fry , on 11 AUG 2004 02:35:54 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 45.65% (total 21) / 54.35% (total 25), post/view comments:
2024 | Maybe

  computer will be powerfull enough to simulate "future of the world" - we will be our own slayers !
posted by Fry , on 11 AUG 2004 02:35:46 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.68% (total 21) / 55.32% (total 26), post/view comments:
2024 | back to the roots

  the magnetic poles of the earth turn upside down.
everything for our daily use includes some electronic stuff.
all this stuff will be destroyed by the energy inducted by the huge magnetic field caused by the 'moving' poles.
only the people who can grow their own food will survive.
posted by pflanzerhans , on 11 AUG 2004 00:04:57 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 42.37% (total 25) / 57.63% (total 34), post/view comments:
2024 | Poor USA

  Providence (Rhode Island) will be capital city of the USA because of Washington beeing destroyed by (eastern?!?) fanatics  
posted by is irrelevant , on 10 AUG 2004 11:18:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.83% (total 28) / 47.17% (total 25), post/view comments:
2024 | first time traveller

  george orwell talks on a press conference and tells the world that he is/was the first time traveller ever and that his novel "1984" wasn´t fiction but a true story from the future! and that he´s now going back to the past to live a quite peaceful life  
posted by stefan , on 10 AUG 2004 08:52:38 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 32) / 50.00% (total 32), post/view comments:
2024 | Jars Electronica

  Fishbowl technology is all the rage. Ars Electronica is renamed to 'Jars Electronica'.  
posted by lenny duce , on 09 AUG 2004 12:25:54 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 39.39% (total 26) / 60.61% (total 40), post/view comments: