YEAR 2025
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2025 | everything is sold

  Music and sounds have to be bought everytime you hear them. Water and air are in the hand of private companies which battle wars to gain the best ressources.

Smart people live on the moon :)
posted by Silver Surfer , on 06 SEP 2004 22:24:53 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 70.00% (total 7) / 30.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2025 | artificial samadhi

  living in a giant matrix - a samadhi (tank) like artificial sphere where observers and the observed, commanders and the controlled blend into each other. cloths will be conductors of body temperature and air temperature. (remote) communication will take place without acustically or manually commanding devices. expression and realisation by mere though of it.
its just not clear - how to move before the beaming.
posted by doris j f spielthenner , on 06 SEP 2004 19:58:38 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.00% (total 3) / 40.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2025 | willing slaves

  Genetics and neuroscience wil combine to produce willing slaves who do all the menial to the repetitive work freeing humans to do what they want to do  
posted by Sampath Jagannathan , on 04 SEP 2004 01:53:54 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.00% (total 2) / 60.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2025 | "Who wants to live forever" most successful company in the world

  "who wants to live forever" offers cool ways for the final curtain, including creating the story, identifying people who take part in it. Want to die in an avalanche? A Titanic-like death with all the drama and pathos around it? Easy death amidst the beloved ones in a bed? Die as a hero in combat? Finally meeting the love of your life and fall out of the aeroplane in the next moment? Need help when creating your very personal story of your own deaath? "Who wants to live forever" will help to keep your memory alive after you passed away.  
posted by Lena , on 03 SEP 2004 22:17:52 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 6) / 25.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2025 | 101001010010101

posted by 1010010100101010 , on 03 SEP 2004 22:13:24 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.00% (total 2) / 60.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2025 | 101100101101001011

posted by 10100101001 , on 03 SEP 2004 22:13:02 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 25.00% (total 1) / 75.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2025 | Japan collapses.

  The Japanese social structure, or the political system probably will be collapses.  
posted by ryunojo , on 03 SEP 2004 15:48:29 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 33.33% (total 1) / 66.67% (total 2), post/view comments:
2025 | The age of steam (trains) returns

  Steam (trains) will resurface as a viable form of transportation once again, but with alternative fuels possibly methane gas, hydrogen.

posted by Harold , on 03 SEP 2004 06:40:18 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 1) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments:
2025 | central network

  In the year 2025 will be there no more personal computers at home. We will have only clients without harddisks or any other drives.
Instead of a harddisk with software we will have a huge network with central servers.
There will be only a kind of display and a tool like a keyboard. All applications run on this servers. We will have no more problems with bugs and incompatible hardware. The Servers will be updated central. ALl software we wenat to use, we will get from this server centrals. These centrals will be safer than every bank on this world today. Because of the kind of installation in this time we will have no more viruses and worms and trojans.
Our Clients will start in seconds. This is the end of CDROMS and DVDs. All contents will transported through the net. The Internet we know is only the beginning...
posted by PuchaeZ , on 02 SEP 2004 13:25:32 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.44% (total 4) / 55.56% (total 5), post/view comments:
2025 | central network

  In the year 2025 will be there no more personal computers at home. We will have only clients without harddisks or any other drives.
Instead of a harddisk with software we will have a huge network with central servers.
There will be only a kind of display and a tool like a keyboard. All applications run on this servers. We will have no more problems with bugs and incompatible hardware. The Servers will be updated central. All software we wenat to use, we will get from this server centrals. These centrals will be safer than every bank on this world today. Because of the kind of installation in this time we will have no more viruses and worms and trojans.
Our Clients will start in seconds. This is the end of CDROMS and DVDs. All contents will transported through the net. The Internet we know is only the beginning...
posted by PuchaeZ , on 02 SEP 2004 13:25:31 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 3) / 50.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2025 | Climate Change

  Wheather has become much more exciting. Hot Summers with heatwaves every two to three years (´20-´23 three years in a row!!) have made Europe hot. The rains haven´t helped, the Big Floods in ´16, ´20 and this yaer have left much of the danube valley in a more natural state. It´s the same along most major rivers around the alps and other mountain ranges in europe. Asia is dry, if you like it... The Chinese air can easily breathed with a light particle filter mask, and you get used to the stining eyes because of the soot. The big power plants there are not as much of a problem as the many small coal fired electricity units that croped up in the last 3 years because of the price for oil giong through the roof. The government is expected to act soon. Luky US, they got constantly warm, dry winters, maybe the reason why half of their woods have burned down. The riffs of florida (hurricane-drowned trailerparks) are also worth a visit in this much more extreme world.  
posted by tier666 , on 02 SEP 2004 00:37:56 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 66.67% (total 2) / 33.33% (total 1), post/view comments:
2025 | Singularity - The Ascension

  The Worlds largest computer, in it's quest to expand itself as much as possible, begins to exhaust the raw materials available on the surface of the Earth. Launching itself into space, trillions of nanorobots are employed to dismantle the planet itself. Using the Earth's mass, a shell of computronium is built around the sun to capture it's energy output with maximum efficiency.
posted by Jerry McManus , on 01 SEP 2004 22:34:47 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 2) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments:
2025 | Plastic eating bacteria

  Novel forms of bacteria which subsist solely on various forms of plastic come to life. Plastic around the world starts to decompose. Although plastic from garbage dumps “become” biodegradable, computers, airplane parts, CDs, DVDs and many everyday items start to rot. Panic sets in across the industrialized world.  
posted by A Palazzo , on 01 SEP 2004 21:35:33 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 2) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments:
2025 | Predictive Intelligent Systems

  Advances in human behavior prediction have changed the way we interact with technology and technology reacts with us. Our 'near-future' actions can be predicted through a range of techniques including Brain pattern activity, body language, and huge resources of previous behavioral patterns.

The effects can be seen throughout our society, pre-crime (as seen in Minority Report) is a reality but not through use of All seeing Seers but through picking up unconscious suspicious behavior. Let us hope this used only as a warning system not as evidence (That deviant thought after playing too much GTA 46 lands you in Jail!)

Personal Computing (which has obviously moved away from ancient monitor/keyboard interfaces and now integrates into all the architecture around us) also predicts the tasks you are attempting and assists. Hopefully more successfully than the Microsoft Agent and points out helpfully "I think your deleting the wrong paragraph, perhaps your working a little late? Shall I compose a draft for your perusal tomorrow?"
posted by Dan Efergan , on 01 SEP 2004 13:16:29 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 100.00% (total 3) / 0.00% (total 0), post/view comments:
2025 | energy

  renewable energy dominates in the ec, us and japan
china follows

posted by , on 24 AUG 2004 18:05:09 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.38% (total 11) / 47.62% (total 10), post/view comments:
2025 | Human level performance on the Graduate Record Examination

  50% percentile on the U.S. Graduate Record Examination test by an Artificial Intelligence, relative to the humans taking the test.

If the testing organization disallows test-taking by non-humans, then an equivalent test shall be used. The AI shall be provided with roughly the same inputs and outputs as a human would have in the year 2025, and will be provided with adapters as required and reasonable (e.g those provided to a deaf/blind human).
posted by Bill Arnold , on 19 AUG 2004 00:49:59 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 16) / 50.00% (total 16), post/view comments:
2025 | civilization and its contents

  oilers win the stanley cup, i still don't care. rock and roll is over. sex is plastic. so is death. pagan revival. fall of the christian right, rise of the followers of Nihil. widespread acceptance and understanding of existentialism as pure fact. rock and roll is still over. books are out of print. out of date. clocks are no longer round, they are an hourglass that cannot be flipped; they are a countdown. to what? i don't know. information is diluted, flawed, and easily acceptable. we accept our fate and we stop living  
posted by winston , on 17 AUG 2004 16:20:12 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.72% (total 19) / 51.28% (total 20), post/view comments:
2025 | Actually....nothing happens in this year.

  A sort of year of great nothingness. Corporate owned media gloms are GONE. Everyone HAS in fact killed their television, There is peace and tranquility for all, the world is socially and environmentally responsible, and everything is pretty much flowing along rather nicely....until...  
posted by sgroenig , on 17 AUG 2004 07:17:47 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 53.66% (total 22) / 46.34% (total 19), post/view comments:
2025 | Nationality looses

  Resulting from increasing international interaction -alias globalization - nationality and race looses weight as a factor of social identity.  
posted by Asser , on 16 AUG 2004 22:04:03 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 18) / 50.00% (total 18), post/view comments:
2025 | The stars seem to fly past them so rapidly that they form a tunnel around them.

  Once or twice a day without warning there are brief flashes of highly energetic light that momentarily outshine the rest of the universe.
posted by Al pray zoe lam , on 16 AUG 2004 14:08:19 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 18) / 50.00% (total 18), post/view comments:
2025 | Eco Violent Nightmare

  The polar caps have finally finished melting. We could not have realised ot would happen so fast. As a result we have gigantic winds that have forced everyone more or less undergraound. I am not counting those who were not born into tremdous wealth, who are given food for being non-terrorist engineers and maintaining the wind power generators. Inside the pen. Rather than the 20 billion others who roam the earth eating each other in desparation and greed after racial, religeous and tribal battles.  
posted by Nick , on 16 AUG 2004 13:38:46 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 24) / 42.86% (total 18), post/view comments:
2025 | Zusammenbruch der europäischen sozialen Marktwirtschaft

  Die Reformbemühungen der vergangenen 30 Jahre konnten den Kollaps des Systems nicht verhindern. Die Menschen stellen sich durch Bildung von Selbstversorgungsgruppen (SVG)auf die ausbleibenden Lohn-, Gehalts- und Rentenzahlungen ein. Weltregierung erwägt den Einsatz der Armed Forces zur Bekämpfung der SVG´n im ehemaligen vereinten Europa.
Waffenhandel im privaten Bereich steigt auf Rekordhöhe - Kriminalitätsrate bleibt seit 20 Jahren auf gleichem Niveau. GlobalScaling-Kommunikation macht die Verfolgung von Straftaten unmöglich - Verbot bleibt wirkungslos.
Weltenergieversorger versuchen Lizenzen für Luftnutzung (Treibstoff für Stickstoffmotoren) zu etablieren.....
posted by Schneefuchs , on 11 AUG 2004 10:34:14 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 45.16% (total 14) / 54.84% (total 17), post/view comments:
2025 | me

  be rich
posted by , on 10 AUG 2004 19:03:20 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 41.07% (total 23) / 58.93% (total 33), post/view comments:
2025 | GNU Hurd 1.0 still not ready

  After 35 years of development, the world is still waiting for the 1.0 release of the HURD kernel.  
posted by me , on 10 AUG 2004 12:35:09 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 25) / 50.00% (total 25), post/view comments:
2025 | Lacking Interest in the World

  Some scientists discover that using the internet has serious negative side effects. People gradually increasingly suffer what will become known the "zapping" effect. After one or two minute of concentrating on a subject, eg. reading or writing an article, they abruptly change the subject of their interest. Conversations are often broken up abruptly, telephone calls are closed by one partipiant without an explanation. Unfortunately, the investigation of the "zapping" effect cannot be finished, because the scientist themselve loose interest in this topic.  
posted by george.orwell@no.planet , on 10 AUG 2004 10:55:54 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.56% (total 35) / 44.44% (total 28), post/view comments:
2025 | civil war

  The civil war in Africa, because of drink water and food, the people try to escape to Europe. But they are to many, so the public health insurances break down. Poorness and starving will take place in Europe, the peope try to fight against the immigrants. In the last 20 years the moslemic people had so many children they will get the mayority in Europe, they try to make their on states or to set sharia laws in the european countrys. The civil war between the molems and christian people will start.  
posted by prophet , on 10 AUG 2004 09:48:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 85) / 37.50% (total 51), post/view comments:
2025 | All major developements will account for artificial intelligence

  A brain is a limited ressource. Humans do have the ability to create devices more capable than themselves in terms of memory and processing speed already. By 2025 artificial intelligence will also reach a much higher degree of creativity than any human or group of humans. Therefore we will benefit and suffer from advanced theories and technologies and not be able to re-enact these advances in our minds.  
posted by hANNES wURST , on 10 AUG 2004 09:45:18 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 46.48% (total 33) / 53.52% (total 38), post/view comments:
2025 | back to basics

  new media will no longer be a trend. the art world will have developed a vocabulary to articulate aesthetic achievement in the digital arts which will cause a return to electronic craftsmanship.  
posted by matthew , on 09 AUG 2004 14:49:26 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 51.19% (total 43) / 48.81% (total 41), post/view comments: