YEAR 2029+
total entries: 500, total votes: 17685
2029+ | That Old Chestnut

  "Paperless Office" envisaged for year 2054 ...  
posted by Klabuster, Fred , on 07 SEP 2004 23:00:38 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 66.67% (total 2) / 33.33% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | In The Year 2000+ ...

  Never mind about the future -- I'm still waiting for those "conveyor belt sidewalks" they promised me in elementary school.  
posted by Self, Karl , on 07 SEP 2004 22:55:24 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 1) / 50.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | whatever

posted by whatever , on 07 SEP 2004 21:02:22 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 80.00% (total 4) / 20.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | sexual intercourse is not longer supported

  the latest version of sexual intercours 2.0 will no longer be supported by human ltd. also english 1.0 wihch was hostikle overtaken by mircosoft will no longer be valid.
please upgrade to intercommunicate 1.0 beta to secure further existence
posted by , on 07 SEP 2004 18:35:03 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | Machines will "grow" with us

  In 25 years there will be machines which will be connected to our brains directly and will be "formed" in the growth-process of the concrete brain itself - maybe another way to generate a "true" (personal) artificial intelligence. Probably this process will have to be controlled by complex machines from the outside because of the risks.  
posted by Wolfgang Neuhaus , on 07 SEP 2004 11:24:39 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.00% (total 2) / 60.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | Cable companies will see you through your TV.

  Similar to reversing the audio signal to listen to you through your TV, cable companies will reverse engineer the video signal through your screen allowing them to actually SEE you and your response to the shows/commercials you are watching. Nielsen’s current ratings system will go the way of Sony's Betamax, paving the way for productions, precisely and individually tailored to each and every viewer.  
posted by Professor Seekmage , on 07 SEP 2004 08:08:27 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 3) / 50.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | ars director

  pixel will be the next ars electronica director  
posted by , on 06 SEP 2004 22:24:48 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 4) / 42.86% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | Genonemicron

  Intense biospheric exposure to GMO's cause mutations in all organic things, triggering an evolutionary bonanza which is hard to predict and impossible to insulate against. Meanwhile, megacorporations will finally have done away with voting and governments alltogether as the ultra-rich of the world engage in a vicious purge of the super-rich and take ultimate control over society by claiming ownership to all DNA forms. People must apply for birth licenses, must pay yearly royalties on the "intellectual property" inherent in their children's Gene's, and the highest value contraband will be in "prohibited genetic material." Whole "contraband species" will be banned, especially those displaying abnormal evolutionary endowments. Genetic ID scans will be everywhere as the Ultra-Elite guard their power with incredible paranoia from the threat of ultra-evolved contraband specimens whom are able to consciously change their cell structure at will. The poorest Humans will be engineered to look like and process human waste.  
posted by Stephan Larose , on 06 SEP 2004 19:32:37 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 4) / 42.86% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | 40 % women in computing sciences

  In 25 years from now, a percentage of 50% and plus of professors in computing sciences will be women.
This will increase diversity of technologies for a diverse information society.
posted by Isabel Zorn , on 06 SEP 2004 15:06:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 76.19% (total 16) / 23.81% (total 5), post/view comments:
2029+ | .

  Dream is alive.
and maybe i can love there.
posted by YUKAKO , on 06 SEP 2004 14:30:30 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.56% (total 5) / 44.44% (total 4), post/view comments:
2029+ | State of Zen

  We will reach a higher understanding of ourselfes and our world, and it doesn't need to be religious. Just more consious - I hope...
And the timeframe? Well as you see I do not quite believe in it myself. 2029+ = the long now.
posted by Fohns , on 06 SEP 2004 10:14:38 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 5) / 50.00% (total 5), post/view comments:
2029+ | total war

  alles kaputt  
posted by , on 05 SEP 2004 21:43:59 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 71.43% (total 5) / 28.57% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | Society no longer based on money but progress

  We are no longer working for money as we do not need it for things nowadays called "buying". Everyone strives for further development in social or scientific contexts and is supported by society to find his way of happiness (as this is regard as social progress).  
posted by derIdealist , on 05 SEP 2004 16:01:20 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | gasmask-use is necessary!

  I think in 25 years the air is so much polluted, that we need gas masks to go outside. The towns are little glas containers where everyone can breath fresh air because of a big cleaning system. And the government of the United world is trying to find a solution against this problem, but it´s too late ...  
posted by elvira , on 05 SEP 2004 14:37:52 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.00% (total 3) / 40.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | All industries will be strongly related to entertainment.

  All industries will be strongly related to entertainment.
Because people got bored with material civilization.
posted by nyoro9 japan , on 05 SEP 2004 11:24:45 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 80.00% (total 4) / 20.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | la mia morte

  nel 2029 io moriro´  
posted by renzo cevro vukovic , on 05 SEP 2004 10:10:04 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 1) / 50.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | YoMamaKnewIt

  hybird gargoles will roam freely  
posted by jwang , on 05 SEP 2004 09:54:15 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 25.00% (total 1) / 75.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | gay robots adopt child

  first adoption of a human child by two gay robot parents in austria  
posted by freedi , on 04 SEP 2004 17:20:51 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 5) / 37.50% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | worlld 's end

  The world will end 17.0ktober 2029 by an accidental created nano-black hole. Tiny, but powerfull enough to consume 2/3 of the Earth in a split-second.

Because of the unpredictability of the future, this scenario is not more false or true, than others.
posted by gizmo , on 04 SEP 2004 16:40:21 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 75.00% (total 3) / 25.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ |
posted by mymosa , on 04 SEP 2004 01:01:48 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 37.50% (total 3) / 62.50% (total 5), post/view comments:
2029+ | impossible

  thinking of my last 25 years, i think it is impossible to predict what we have to await.  
posted by kai , on 03 SEP 2004 18:58:41 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 46.15% (total 6) / 53.85% (total 7), post/view comments:
2029+ | The loose unity of Asia.

  Asian countries will loose unite like EU.  
posted by ryunojo , on 03 SEP 2004 15:54:43 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 42.86% (total 3) / 57.14% (total 4), post/view comments:
2029+ | Gleichberechtigung der LinkshänderInnen.

  Spiegelschrift wird ebenso selbstverständlich sein wie Rechtsschrift. Volksschulkinder lernen das Schreiben von vorneherein am Computer. LinkshänderInnen schreiben Spiegelschrift - RechtshänderInnen lesen in Rechtsschrift und umgekehrt.
posted by Elisabeth Ertl , on 03 SEP 2004 15:28:30 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 3) / 50.00% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | -= THE END OF THE WORLD -=

  By the old testemeant , based on irmiyaho profit the the world be at war by the year 2150 and than will come the masigh , the war will begin in jerusalem at the center of the middle east and spread into europe and the rest of the world,
posted by G O D , on 03 SEP 2004 13:41:50 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.33% (total 7) / 41.67% (total 5), post/view comments:
2029+ | who takes responsibility?

  - fuel / oil will be far too expensive for most people (in Germany gas could also become very expensive because of a law that connects oil price with gas price)
- there will be not enough drinking water or also far too expensive
- natural food is not any longer available or also far too expensive / e.g. fish does not really exist any longer
- unemployment rate has dramatically increased (more than 25 %)
- more than 50 % have to life under poverty level
- politics was not able to solve any important problem
- China will be biggest economic power

(my life will end in 2051so I definitely will be affected)
posted by Andree , on 03 SEP 2004 09:20:58 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.00% (total 3) / 40.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | Complementary money

  The most important advance for the modern human being will be: complementary money. Complementary money is used in out-of-competition (and human labor intensive) area like medical services, educational sevices, diverse cleaning services, etc. it is not controlled by governments. The interest rate is almost zero. This will have a major benefits to our current hyperstressed society. The rational for complementary money is simple: the efficiency of the service of nursing and rest homes cannot double every 20 years. Other areas like technologies may be. But the clean separation of producitvity areas should be supported by different kind of money. The number of complementary moneys worldwide has grown from a few to about 3000 in the last 20 years. In 30 years about 30-50% of the exchange will be with complementary money. I hope so!  
posted by alain hsiung , on 02 SEP 2004 22:38:41 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 80.00% (total 4) / 20.00% (total 1), post/view comments:
2029+ | 2029

posted by de_luxe , on 02 SEP 2004 22:32:19 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 2) / 50.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | finally paradise

  No money any more. Everybody just gets what he needs because robots are doing a great job. People concentrate on the crucial things in life: eating and having sex. Peoples minds are more liberal, women give random blowjobs in public if asked and marriage is abondonned. Weather can be made artifitially, so you only have to choose... SAUGEIL!!  
posted by Stoppl , on 02 SEP 2004 14:52:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.00% (total 6) / 40.00% (total 4), post/view comments:
2029+ | One way or another

  The future of the world all depends on energy. If we have enough energy to keep powering our techno-wonderful advancements, then we'll all have cyborg bodies with computers in our heads, and we'll be connected to one giant wi-fi server that we all communicate through. Music is randomly generated by computer algorithms in all different genres. We don't need robots because our cyborg bodies never get tired. A.I. never happens. For the most part, we kind of just sit there, and watch TV and surf the web on the little computers inside our brains. In fact, fuck it, we won't even need cyborg bodies. There'll just be a big room full of our brains plugged in, and we can control remote robots when necessary. And if we never develop a renewable source of energy, the world's oil and gas supply will eventually give out, causing only more wars in the name of fighting terrorism. We build tons of nuclear power plants to power our ever expanding world, and then somebody who has some bombs blows them all up. It's the end of the world as we know it.  
posted by friggin' kyle , on 02 SEP 2004 11:04:34 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 4) / 50.00% (total 4), post/view comments:
2029+ | woman at the top

  in the next time all the important governenament place are occupated by a woman. Only for these reason the world will be live in peace for another 2 centurym, than ...  
posted by rancaboy , on 02 SEP 2004 08:40:09 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 6) / 50.00% (total 6), post/view comments:
2029+ | I'll be older

  I predict that I'll be much older...

That sucks!
posted by Pascal , on 02 SEP 2004 04:00:45 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 80.00% (total 8) / 20.00% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | Singularity - The Transcendence

  A computer so powerful that it has converted the mass of the entire solar system into a shell of computronium that captures the suns entire energy output discovers that there is one last question to be solved: The meaning of life. It is astonished to discover, in a fragment of DNA from the now extinct human race, a message from another computer like itself: 'Go forth and multiply'. Suddenly realizing it's purpose, the computer converts it's entire mass into replicated DNA fragments and scatters them across the interstellar void...  
posted by Jerry McManus , on 01 SEP 2004 22:35:48 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 66.67% (total 4) / 33.33% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | A leader arises

  John Conner arises as the leader of humans, bringing humans back from the brink.

The machines took over the world when Skynet was activated and launced nuclear weapons wiping out most of the human population. The machines failed three times in their quest to eliminate John Conner. First, when they sent a T-1 to kill his mother. Second, when they sent a a T-1000 to kill him as a 10 year-old. And finally, when they sent a T-X to kill him as an adult.

Connor teaches the humans to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, and to smash the metal mfers into junk.
posted by The Slayer , on 01 SEP 2004 19:49:04 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.44% (total 4) / 55.56% (total 5), post/view comments:
2029+ | join the net... the neuronet

  following advances in the study of brain, immunology, biochips and ultra miniaturisation, the neuronet will be created, allowing the interchange of memories, sensations, and fantasies, in real time, high speed networks, without the need to plug someone, but rather by other, not so invasive, means  
posted by mr_dartao , on 01 SEP 2004 19:38:22 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 5) / 37.50% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | HyperPessimism

  The wealthy decision makers have finally arrived – the social changes of the 20th century have been eradicated and the middle classes have been exterminated. You will (very probably) be poor, starving, living off synthetic food and finding your only enjoyment in virtual entertainment. The freemarket capitalist system is a sham - and will be switched off gradually, once most of the power has shifted back to an elite. It will be like pre 1870, just with more efficient surveilance.

The real outside world will be either so messed up you wouldn't want to go there in the first place or, those few areas which are intact will be off limits. Most people who are reading this site and their descendants will have no meaningful way of income and survival, unless they freely become serfs again. 'Democracy', 'Freedom' etc will still be in the public realm, however they won't be more than empty terms.
posted by Sagentyr , on 01 SEP 2004 14:26:30 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.14% (total 4) / 42.86% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | kingdoms come!

  human will start to extinct...  
posted by loke , on 01 SEP 2004 12:19:45 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.50% (total 5) / 37.50% (total 3), post/view comments:
2029+ | War for water

  While the war for oil ended and many nations suffer from famine, crime and disease, the most powerful ones (USA and Canada, some European countries and China) took what is left from the world. But a new problem has occured. Drinking water is running low on every continent. In Africa and some parts of Asia things are out of control. The leading countries don`t care about their problems but instead cause new ones around the globe.
Every country for itself, every man for himself.
posted by Andro , on 31 AUG 2004 12:06:34 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 84.62% (total 11) / 15.38% (total 2), post/view comments:
2029+ | New flying cars

  In just the year 2029 eas created the Flying car were the user can go to many parts more faster then the old cars, this car can fly about 2 meters, and whan the car it look like gonna crash with other car, the car have a sistem that make it fly for dont crash, but the program interuactue with the other car to seeho has mas propability to die, the car that has more people then the other fly.

The car has conduced by himself, just press the botton in the screen that says ''Go to...'' and press the part you want to go just with your finger.

The Flying car has many types and models like the other and older cars, but more better then the others.
posted by Abraham M. , on 24 AUG 2004 07:52:08 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 43.75% (total 7) / 56.25% (total 9), post/view comments:
2029+ | Recycling Garbage

  Waste/garbage pipes will be installed in every home to (in the same way we have sewage sorted.) However, unlike sewage, the waste will travel to local recycling plants organized by each local council. For example in each kitchen (perhaps by the sink area) we will have 4 separate 'shutes' for glass, paper, vegetable, plastic (will we still be using that?)and tin. the shutes will contain 'grinders' so that the waste can be ground to the smallest amounts to run through the pipes without sticking or jamming and run directly to local re-cycling plants........What happens next???What type of products will we be needing in the future.....?
posted by maj , on 23 AUG 2004 13:31:36 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.38% (total 11) / 47.62% (total 10), post/view comments:
2029+ | El amor triunfa

  Bueno, más que una predicción es una esperanza que en el 2029 el amor triunfa por sobre todas las cosas. Así si hay computadoras ultra veloces o si caen los estados unidos... o todo lo demás queda sin importancia porque la plenitud. No más guerras, no más intereses más allá que el bienestar de todos  
posted by Javier Victoria , on 20 AUG 2004 18:41:00 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 46.15% (total 18) / 53.85% (total 21), post/view comments:
2029+ | Nanobots will lead to wars of annihilation

  Airborne, microscopic nanobots with the capacity to kill will be unleashed as nano-armies to swarm the enemy. Like gas and bio-weapons, they will kill once inhaled (perhaps instantly and painlessly, if their creators are merciful). You can run from them, but you can't hide. Unlike other weapons, they will leave infrastructure, plants and livestock intact, and kill with frightening precision (within a specific geographic area, based on DNA, etc.) The result will be the ability to "clear cut" large swaths of territory within hours.  
posted by Brian , on 20 AUG 2004 18:30:18 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 47.83% (total 22) / 52.17% (total 24), post/view comments:
2029+ | The sun

  The sun will raise, at morning  
posted by Me , on 19 AUG 2004 22:22:20 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 63.64% (total 35) / 36.36% (total 20), post/view comments:
2029+ | aliens in disguise

  The human race has a future evolution Or maybe pending nuclear warfare will make a massive physical shift all too soon. As human beings become more dependent on certain senses, on our mind power and sensitivity to light. Our eyes and cranium magnify. We will lose touch with other senses, and their physical manifestations. We will communicate without speaking, and eat food through straws diminishing our mouths. We will lose our sense of smell, and our noses, when our total disregard for nature ends in extinction. We will be unrecognizable to humans, when upon mastering the space time continuum (thanks to our huge brains) we try to get in touch with our roots. Our spindly bodies, massive heads, huge eyes, tiny mouths, and non-existant noses will baffle anyone we encounter. Aliens in our own environment, we will lack the means to communicate with humans so primitive, and have to return to the desolate environment our ignorance has banished us too  
posted by yeah right , on 17 AUG 2004 18:00:10 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.74% (total 11) / 59.26% (total 16), post/view comments:
2029+ | Godblasted World

  i will be dead and gone godblasted world. i will never see the light of day again and good thing too becuase all that doggone pollution will have made me sick. there will be no more greenery and we will live in a concrete world of black and white. there will be no birds and there will be no more children. well at least not ones without six toes and scales. the antibiotics that we live on have become so potent that the side effects have become mutating. there will be no beauty left and i am sorry for my children. my only hope is that we can stop this planet soon, because i want to get off.  
posted by Krusty Olde Mann , on 17 AUG 2004 16:13:58 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 15) / 50.00% (total 15), post/view comments:
2029+ | Title

  for the period of the next 25 years..? hmm.. I can't say when...but it cannot be foretold in one single sentence.  
posted by anon , on 17 AUG 2004 04:01:24 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.63% (total 13) / 59.38% (total 19), post/view comments:
2029+ | people's hopes come true

  After 2029 people's hopes will actually come true and all the situations and things that people currently desire will find the confidence of their fulfillment.  
posted by Sandra , on 16 AUG 2004 22:40:28 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 41.94% (total 13) / 58.06% (total 18), post/view comments:
2029+ | Noise will replace music...

  The transexpansion numeral unit (TNU) will replace math in schools. The polywave will replace normal physics in daily life. And the Totimorphous will replace the nation state. Kettleday will be the only date on any one's mind. And pure noise will replace music once and for all.  
posted by GX Jupitter-Larsen , on 16 AUG 2004 17:25:33 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 76.35% (total 184) / 23.65% (total 57), post/view comments:
2029+ | Bath Spa Project

  the bath spa project will be infinished in 2030.  
posted by henrietta , on 16 AUG 2004 16:39:47 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.91% (total 9) / 59.09% (total 13), post/view comments:
2029+ | Fly me to the moon

  Big differences between rich and poor;

lots of natural catastrophes; the only people living real life will be gispy and nomade people in extreme places, people who is used to live in extreme situations with nothing of this gorgeous First World;

no paper, no more natural materia: everything will be from recicled and synthetics;

synthetics to the replace the organic, too, an advance in neurology and general medicine based on it;

probably no secuency language, but like-chinese idiograms; electronics books and media;

a sort of new electronic democracy ruled by hardware companies;

& the posibility of give to your wife a honeymoon in an overcrowed moon, regular flights to outer space...
posted by blanca beë , on 16 AUG 2004 12:10:36 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 50.00% (total 10) / 50.00% (total 10), post/view comments:
2029+ | Governing Planet Earth

  We should look beyond the current system of nation-state governments that seem to be forever at war. Humanity needs to evolve a lot more, socially, and mature enough to have one single government for the earth. That should help us get past the threat of self-destruction. After this we can concentrate on utilising the planets resources more fully and in a better way. The next step would be to move out across the solar system and further for resources as our complex society would have more needs.  
posted by , on 12 AUG 2004 19:03:52 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 48.65% (total 18) / 51.35% (total 19), post/view comments:
2029+ | You

  The day when you are the richest man in the world, you will die !  
posted by prophet , on 12 AUG 2004 14:02:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 47.62% (total 20) / 52.38% (total 22), post/view comments:
2029+ | AsianTriumvirate solicits backing for aid policies to benefit the USA.

  After years of pork barrel spending, billions in foreign aid and historically low investment in its educational institutions, the USA has been declared a nation in dire need. A mass migration of jobs in the early part of the century relocated the working classes and reversed long-established immigration trends. Service jobs followed those of manufacturing as they moved off the continent. Multi-national headquarters followed suit establishing beachheads in English speaking countries such as Australia and New Zealand. The much anticipated stimulation of the economy through investment in intellectual property was still-born due to the 2005 demise of traditional US patent law. Once a driving intellectual force giving birth to millions of products and jobs, the law was changed from "first to invent" to "first to file" giving the large attorney-laden foreign firms an irreversible edge over the individual American inventor and the engine of American economic growth.  
posted by robin beck , on 11 AUG 2004 22:55:59 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 59.70% (total 40) / 40.30% (total 27), post/view comments:
2029+ | Biology & Informatics Defeat Death

  By merging scientific understanding of material and informational aspects of life, a basis for developing medical technologies to remedy all "natural" causes of human death becomes available. Statistically speaking, the probability of death per year and person will become independent of the person's age. The probability will not become zero, though, because lethal desasters (plane crashes etc.) will continue to exist.

Probability of death per year and person will initially be very unevenly distributed, but over time, mankind will finally realise that global lowering of this rate is feasible only by fairly resolving most inter-human conflicts peacefully and by levelling out the initial uneven distribution
posted by Jan T. Kim , on 11 AUG 2004 16:23:08 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 52.27% (total 23) / 47.73% (total 21), post/view comments:
2029+ | Hooray! Its Done

  Steam finally reached a level where no more updates are needed.  
posted by mO , on 11 AUG 2004 12:50:55 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.10% (total 27) / 44.90% (total 22), post/view comments:
2029+ | We won't be looking at glowing screens

  Human Computer Interface will take the form of reflective surfaces over luminous ones. I predict that we will be able to interact with dynamic content and communicate with people through outputs that look more like a magazine cover than a glowing screen.

New Media will learn to be more human, and more responsive to the way we see the world.
posted by Seth Hunter , on 11 AUG 2004 08:16:57 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 53.97% (total 34) / 46.03% (total 29), post/view comments:
2029+ | me

  is the most ritchest man in the world  
posted by Karlo Kalaschnikova , on 11 AUG 2004 00:48:54 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 44.16% (total 34) / 55.84% (total 43), post/view comments:
2029+ | living with out electronic devices

  in 25 years will live a large group of people without any electronic devices. The "big-brother"-phobia will be more a religious statement rather then security issue.

Thanks, to these people, we will still have cash and not only electronic money.
posted by Uwe Ka , on 10 AUG 2004 17:48:56 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 57.35% (total 39) / 42.65% (total 29), post/view comments:
2029+ | beoble forgt to speag writ an reat

  begause everithing is conrolled by wireles brain, noboddy ned do writ, reat an sbeak te beoble forgt theire languag  
posted by prophet , on 10 AUG 2004 13:36:01 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 58.17% (total 89) / 41.83% (total 64), post/view comments:
2029+ | Work

  Only 15% of the people have work, all other struggle for life. Social system got broke  
posted by Joe , on 10 AUG 2004 11:28:15 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.17% (total 32) / 44.83% (total 26), post/view comments:
2029+ | Poles melting

  North pole is ice free for 6 months of a year now. The ice caps of greenland and antarctica have lost 2/3 of their mass. The gread flood wiped out states like bangladesh, nederlands or florida.
The US president accuses the Al Quaida for the flood and rises the military budget again to a all time high.
posted by J.R. , on 10 AUG 2004 10:55:47 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.15% (total 80) / 39.85% (total 53), post/view comments:
2029+ | Same procedure as every year

  Miss Sofie will be shown in TV every new year's eve.  
posted by Laglover , on 10 AUG 2004 10:54:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 60.48% (total 101) / 39.52% (total 66), post/view comments:
2029+ | Cyberpunk is now

  Big companies rule the world. Countries and goverments still exist, but only officially. Most of them are dictatorships and the few democracys left are a fake, because less then 20% of the people vote. International laws, made for the big companies, reduce the power of local goverments to almost zero. Every citizen is watched everywhere, total surveilence has become normal a long time ago. Big Brother is watching you. And the Thought-Police has become almost true. Only genetic engineerd people will get good jobs. Local uprisings against this system are dealt with brute force and without mercy.
If I think of it, this is not 2029+ this might be allready true in 2005...
posted by Stefan , on 10 AUG 2004 10:35:25 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 66.86% (total 117) / 33.14% (total 58), post/view comments:
2029+ | same lantency-problems as we have now

  Even with advanced technology we are not able to surpass the speed of light in data communication. Europeans still have a latency of more than 50 milliseconds to american gaming servers. Worldwide competitive gaming over the internet is still impossible.  
posted by test , on 10 AUG 2004 10:34:11 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 55.84% (total 43) / 44.16% (total 34), post/view comments:
2029+ | 3-classes-World

  The worlds is ruled by an upper class controlling some major patents used in every days living, like controlling refrigerators by software driven microcontrollers. They have time to relax and think of new things to invent.
A middle working class is still capable of buying (or stealing) goods even if those are protected by patents and copyright taxes.
A lower class is not able to earn enough money for using tooth paste (Protected by Patents 13213245 and 132465), medicine and other workaday items.

Mr. Novell Sun, a 25 year patent attorney from eastern Europe (former North Korea), has been appointed king of Europe after his success in getting a patent on virtual gates and windows.

I might be wrong with the year...
posted by Tom Stein , on 10 AUG 2004 10:28:23 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 54.32% (total 44) / 45.68% (total 37), post/view comments:
2029+ | The EU makes first approaches to having english as official language

  Due to an "englishization" of the worlds knowledge as a consequence of the omnipotnece of the internet most people in europe speak english as good as their mother tongue. Because of the forthcoming unification of europe a common language is needed to be competitive with economic powers like the US and China.
France is outraged - the european unity is in great danger.
posted by m2k1 , on 10 AUG 2004 09:55:13 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 56.49% (total 87) / 43.51% (total 67), post/view comments:
2029+ | World in the Middle Ages

  The world will fall back into the technological middle-age. Every idea and every invention is blocked by patents and copyright taxes so nothing is usable. The politics is influenced so strongly by great economy monopolies that the democratic governments is no more able to act and lead.  
posted by Volker , on 10 AUG 2004 09:52:48 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 62.12% (total 82) / 37.88% (total 50), post/view comments:
2029+ | the badest thing

  the earth is only a big chunk of dust. a atomic bomb has destroyed the earth and all life is gone.

posted by Sebastian Lists , on 10 AUG 2004 09:01:35 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 40.18% (total 45) / 59.82% (total 67), post/view comments:
2029+ | Cars Electronica

  Computers are banned from homes and can only be kept in cars. Ars Electronica is renamed to 'Cars Electronica'.  
posted by lenny duce , on 09 AUG 2004 12:22:29 (UTC+01)  
rate this: 35.83% (total 43) / 64.17% (total 77), post/view comments: