Program - Projects A-Z


LEF@ARS: At the crossroads of media Arts&Science and Technology Education in the 21st Century - what is to be done? »

07.09. | 13:00-15:00 Uhr

Ars Electronica Center - Museum der Zukunft

LEF@ARS: At the crossroads of media Arts&Science and Technology Education in the 21st Century - what is to be done?

Update on the Leonardo Education Forum's mission and activities.

Exhibitions / Prix Ars Electronica

levelHead »

04.09. - 09.09. | 10:00-00:00 Uhr

OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich

levelHead levelHead is a spatial memory game using a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. By tilting the cube the player directs this character on-screen from room to room in an effort to find the exit.

Ars Foyer


04.09. - 09.09. | 10:00-19:00 Uhr


LICHTFAKTOR The members of LICHTFAKTOR use light to give expression to their creativity. They take advantage of a variety of light sources to produce photos and videos in cities by night.

Featured Art Scene

Lo-Tech songs with Servo-Drive »

06.09. | 23:00-23:40 Uhr

OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich

Paul Granjon is a visual artist working with electronics, robotics, video and programming. His subject matter is the co-evolution of humans and machines. He applies a playful, hands-on approach to the production of machines for videos, installations and performances, often presenting the work in a humorous fashion, combined with an underlying darker vision. He questions and comments on the effects of exposure to an exponentially growing and more capable technological environment.

campus 08 / Exhibitions

Log-Log 2008 »

04.09. - 09.09. | 10:00-19:00 Uhr

Kunstuniversität Linz / Hauptplatz

Log-Log 2008 Log-Log is a balance-beam shaped interface that makes use of shifts in the user's center of gravity as the input, and an interlocked interactive video system.