
Use our online reservation system and make a reservation for your favourite hotel with the respective link to the particular hotel. Please note, that only emails which contain following information will be answered: name, address, telephone number, arrival, departure and requested rooms.

DESIGN HOTEL Harry`s Home_700x380


Studio Single: 81,00
Studio Business Single: 86,00
Studio Double: 95,00
Studio Superior Single: 95,00
Studio Superior Double: 110,00
Buffet breakfast: 11,80/Person
Buffet breakfast: 6,50/Person

Free parking space available in front of the hotel
Garage 5,00/Day
10 min by car to the main festival location PostCity
15 min by bus (stop in front of the house) to the main festival location PostCity

Stitched Panorama

Ibis Styles Hotel
Single room:  starting from € 88
Double room: starting from € 108
Including buffet breakfast, parking, WIFI
10 minutes to get to the city center by tram
4 tram stops to the festival location PostCity

Courtyard by Marriott Linz_700x380

Courtyard by Marriott Linz

Prices updated daily: online booking form >>
10 minutes by bus to get to the main festival location PostCity

Park Inn_700x380

Park Inn
Rooms: starting from € 110,00
Centrally located